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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ?

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You will, by 2020.

It won't be, by the time the UK is Brexited and hitched up to the US.


But hey, I don't care, because even if I'm still here by then, I'll still have got a company-paid, top-draw private healthcare package including dependents :thumbsup:


Will you? :twisted:


Snap. It really is the people who voted like turkeys for Christmas who will suffer any potential fallout and not see any of the potential benefits. But that's ok and they won't have to listen to people speaking Urdu on a bus. Oh wait a minute.

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[Penistone999 (a self declared English nationalist) has made his Avatar a picture of Donald Trump, the new Nationalistic Populist president of the USA]


Penny old son, why, when you say you`re an English patriot (albeit one who avoids paying his taxes), have you got a picture of Donald Trump as your Avatar ? :


To an English patriot / nationalist, it`s England first.


To Donald Trump / and American nationalist it`s, America first.


Don`t you see the illogicality, nay irrationality, in, not only your present choice of Avatar, but, in fact, in nationalism itself ?


The above quote is from another thread, but it`s very relevant for this one. It illustrates very very well the inherent irrationality of Nationalism.


---------- Post added 11-02-2017 at 08:54 ----------


Snap. It really is the people who voted like turkeys for Christmas who will suffer any potential fallout and not see any of the potential benefits. But that's ok and they won't have to listen to people speaking Urdu on a bus. Oh wait a minute.


As I think you`re alluding too, though it was never sufficiently publicised during the Referendum campaign, is the irony that most immigration is from outside the EU. And, if we can be base, most EU immigration is white Christian. So, these people who dislike "alien" cultures, should have voted to stay in the EU and for more EU immigration !

Edited by Justin Smith
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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ? And what will be its consequences ?


Well there`s Brexit (or just as significantly the way the country is going after the referendum).

There`s Trump ( I still can`t quite believe that one.....).

There`s Putin (though I accept Russia has always been rather nationalist).

There`s the fact the far right came close in the Austria presidential elections.

There`s the continued rise of the far right in France (fortunately their electoral system should keep the facists out there).

How many examples do you want ?


I don`t mind admitting I`m worried.

I reckon at best we`ll all be worse off, there are as many economic theories as there are economists, but the one thing they all agree on is free trade increases wealth. Votes for populistic nationalists are thought to be a reaction against globalisation and/or automation, but there`s nothing you can do about either of those, not without being poorer than we were before.....

At worst it could end in a war, nearly all wars are caused by nationalism, WWII being the most frightening example.


If you want to stop the rise of nationalism then you have to make sure that globalisation makes everyone feel better off and not just the wealthier half.Too many hard working people work for the minimum wage and cannot get a job that pays a full weeks wages.You may have done very well out of globalisation but a hell of a lot of westerners have not.Are you the kind of person who thinks the poor should accept their place in the world and belt up.Perhaps you would like to see the less educated and the poor have their vote taken away like the dark ages where only the liberal middle class get to vote.Do you not understand why the working class are prepared to take a chance on anybody who may make their lives better for them.You can call it misguided and uneducated if you like but these people have nothing to lose thats why i voted for brexit.People say look to the future but i cannot see anything to look forward too.My savings and private pension are making nothing for me.You can probably afford to go swanning off all round europe enjoying yourself but a lot of people cannot.

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Don't know if you noticed what happened to sterling after the Brexit vote,but if you couldn't afford to go swanning off round Europe before the vote,you certainly won't be able too now.


That will not be bothering me then will it as i couldnt afford too before.:).On the plus side the drop in the value of the pound has led to more exports and more jobs here.

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If you want to stop the rise of nationalism then you have to make sure that globalisation makes everyone feel better off and not just the wealthier half.Too many hard working people work for the minimum wage and cannot get a job that pays a full weeks wages.You may have done very well out of globalisation but a hell of a lot of westerners have not.Are you the kind of person who thinks the poor should accept their place in the world and belt up.Perhaps you would like to see the less educated and the poor have their vote taken away like the dark ages where only the liberal middle class get to vote.Do you not understand why the working class are prepared to take a chance on anybody who may make their lives better for them.You can call it misguided and uneducated if you like but these people have nothing to lose thats why i voted for brexit.People say look to the future but i cannot see anything to look forward too.My savings and private pension are making nothing for me.You can probably afford to go swanning off all round europe enjoying yourself but a lot of people cannot.


Your mistake is that you have mixed these confidence tricksters up with saviours.


That is how conmen work.

They make you feel that they have only your interests at heart, and all they want is for you to get a great deal from them.


While they are doing this, they are robbing you blind, and will leave you with nothing.


Just step back a little and ask yourself. if you knew May, Farage, Johnson etc in your daily life, would you even give them the time of day?


Of course you would not, as deceitfulness and falseness oozes from their every pore.

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Your mistake is that you have mixed these confidence tricksters up with saviours.


That is how conmen work.

They make you feel that they have only your interests at heart, and all they want is for you to get a great deal from them.


While they are doing this, they are robbing you blind, and will leave you with nothing.


Just step back a little and ask yourself. if you knew May, Farage, Johnson etc in your daily life, would you even give them the time of day?


Of course you would not, as deceitfulness and falseness oozes from their every pore.


Who would you suggest we vote for then,surely not Jeremy Corbyns bunch of losers and even worse Tim Farron,s.They are all mouth and no action,Jeremy Corbyn changes his tune more times than a busker.First he was a leaver then a remainer,now he appears to want brexit and oh no he seems to be all muddled up and doesnt know what he wants.All the rubbish of him ressurecting the coal industry and nationalising the railways is a load of old rubbish.His party would never let him do it.We will just get the same as we got from the last Labour party.

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That will not be bothering me then will it as i couldnt afford too before.:).On the plus side the drop in the value of the pound has led to more exports and more jobs here.


LONDON—The number of people in work in the U.K. fell for the first time in more than a year in the three months through October, data showed Wednesday, signaling that the labor market may be softening and adding to signs of economic weakness emerging in the aftermath of the Brexit vote.



Edited by chalga
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Who would you suggest we vote for then,surely not Jeremy Corbyns bunch of losers and even worse Tim Farron,s.They are all mouth and no action,Jeremy Corbyn changes his tune more times than a busker.First he was a leaver then a remainer,now he appears to want brexit and oh no he seems to be all muddled up and doesnt know what he wants.All the rubbish of him ressurecting the coal industry and nationalising the railways is a load of old rubbish.His party would never let him do it.We will just get the same as we got from the last Labour party.


Actually we did very well out of the last Labour Government.

Many of the things you now take for granted were introduced in those years.


I agree Corbyn is not an inspiring leader, he has not lived up to my expectations, but by the same coin, you cannot expect action from a party that is not in power.

And the way they have let us down by their meek acceptance of 'brexit' is disgusting.


Don't forget, however, under Tory administration all we get is division, destruction and poverty.

They will never change, ever.

Those things are in their very nature.


The Tories need to divide and destroy to enrich themselves from others work and efforts.

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