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Nigel Farage on Time's person of year shortlist

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Is he really a man? Alan Carr would easily take him in a fight.


lucky for Our Nige' you don't even need to be a man to win the award.


Mr Angela Merkel won it last year, and she could crush Our Nige's skull between her thighs.

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It seems that Nigel has admirers beyond Donald Trump.



As the award is for 'the person who most influenced the news, for better or for worse', I can sort of see why he made the short list. Though as most Americans know him mainly from gurning in front of a gold-plated lift in the foyer of Trump Tower, I doubt he'll win it. Trump will. Or Putin.

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It seems that Nigel has admirers beyond Donald Trump.




There`s a few answers to that.


Firstly, if Boris "I want to be Tory leader at any cost" Johnson had`nt decided to campaign for Leave the result would have been different, remember it was a close election. I don`t think Farage made much difference once the referendum was going ahead, though I accept he had a big influence on it happening. That and weak Tory leadership.


Secondly, these man of the year awards are nothing to do with whether the promoters approve of the candidates. I can remember back in 1984 Arthur Scargill was talked of as man of the year on Radio 4`s Today programme, he may even have won it. Say what you like about Scargill, and I have as little time for him as I have for Farage, he probably was man of the year in 1984, for all the wrong reasons of course, just like Farage......

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Nigel Farage has missed out on being named person of the year, but surely will be knighted in the new year's honours list.


That`s a joke right ?

The man who single handily has caused more division and ill feeling in this country than any other politician in living memory, a knighthood ? Pontificating that the courts judging on constitutional law should be wary of causing riots on the streets and being a total hypocrite* for Gawd`s sake.

If Farage gets a knighthood they should scrap knighthoods.


* what you should bear in mind here is that Farage was the one who said on election night that "if it was a close run thing it wouldn`t be over". Well is was a close run thing, but, for some reason he`s suddenly changed his position quite markedly. 180 degrees in fact, he`s not bothered about the constitution !


One last point, if the result had gone the other way and the Brexiteers had been going to court trying to get a rerun, or whatever, would there have been death threats flying about and warnings of riots on the streets ? I think that speaks absolute volumes. Where the hell is this country going, wherever it is I don`t want to be part of it.....

Edited by Justin Smith
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