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Could you survive the winter living in a motor home?

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A friend of mine is thinking of giving is flat up and living in his motor home on his mates firm he works fulltime No one works in his block and drinking all night cant get any sleep I said you freeze in winter would you agree with me :)


I don't thimk he would be alone living permanently in a motor home, I would guess it's no different than living in a narrow boat, just make sure you have a good supply of gas for the heater

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Probably cost an absolute fortune to heat all winter. Also there would be nowhere to store anything as the space inside would be a small fraction of a flat.

And might not be good for sleeping as unlikely to have a proper mattress and walls very thin could get woken up by all kinds of noises at night.

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A friend of mine is thinking of giving is flat up and living in his motor home on his mates firm he works fulltime No one works in his block and drinking all night cant get any sleep I said you freeze in winter would you agree with me :)

Sounds like he will have a better quality of life living in his motorhome. If your friend is in good health, then it should be warm enough for him.

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Well I've been in our caravan in winter before many times and caravans are made in the same way as motorhomes,its cozy and warm even in the worst weather and takes a lot less heating than a house,once warmed up the heater can be put on low,,you should have a spare bottle of gas ready on standby to change when it runs out..we once had a christmas in our caravan and it snowed we were at the losend caravan site at castleton we were still nice and cozy even though the temperature dropped below freezing.

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