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Have officials got it in for the Owls


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It seems as though Wednesday are the victims of to many dodgy ref and lines men decisions as of late.

It started at Shrewsbury when in the last minute big Dave was attacked in the box just as he was about to side foot into the net ,from the resulting clearance the Shrews went on to score the winner.


We then moved on to the diabolical decision to send off F.F at Hull a decision so biased as to be on the verge of criminal behaviour by the official.


Then yesterday an equaliser wiped out by the most blatant of wrong off side calls ever witnessed on a football pitch .

And so it goes on with all the T.V. Pundits, fellow managers and sports reporters commenting week after week on the Bad decisions given against Wednesday.

There is now no doubt about it Wednesday are being picked on.

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The referees and linesmen are mistaken, that's all.

Everyone makes mistakes.


We have been hit hard over the last month or so, but it happens to every club at sometime.

They must all watch the replays on the Championship programme and comment to each other on the decisions .

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We can point to times when we have had the rub of the green aswell though. If course we seem to of got it bad recently with the sendings off etc but I'm sure most clubs can point to times when they want to strangle the ref :) swings and roundabouts

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I don't think you are being "picked on" as you put it. I do however think that you have been hard done by with some of the decisions however this isn't isolated solely to you lot but simply shows how poor the overall standard of refereeing actually is.

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I don't recall a time in all the years I've watched football that there hasn't been someone criticising referee's. And I doubt there ever will be a time.


The standard is no different now than it ever has been or ever will be.


It's not us.


It's just part of the game we all have to live with.

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