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Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.

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An article in the paper this morning tells of a family with 8 children (they think) who came over here from overseas 8 years ago. Seems they have had to move out of their 2 million pound home (due to current Gov Legislation) and now live in a 1.25 million pound home, still funded by the taxpayer of course, all this without any contribution of the family who have never done a days work since arriving here, so the story says.


As the title says, Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.


The nationality of the family bears no bearing on the story to me, neither does the colour of their skin, white, brown, yellow, black or any colour in between. This is about the fairness or madness of the situation.



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An article in the paper this morning tells of a family with 8 children (they think) who came over here from overseas 8 years ago. Seems they have had to move out of their 2 million pound home (due to current Gov Legislation) and now live in a 1.25 million pound home, still funded by the taxpayer of course, all this without any contribution of the family who have never done a days work since arriving here, so the story says.


As the title says, Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.


The nationality of the family bears no bearing on the story to me, neither does the colour of their skin, white, brown, yellow, black or any colour in between. This is about the fairness or madness of the situation.




Then why mention it?

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An article in the paper this morning tells of a family with 8 children (they think) who came over here from overseas 8 years ago. Seems they have had to move out of their 2 million pound home (due to current Gov Legislation) and now live in a 1.25 million pound home, still funded by the taxpayer of course, all this without any contribution of the family who have never done a days work since arriving here, so the story says.


As the title says, Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.


The nationality of the family bears no bearing on the story to me, neither does the colour of their skin, white, brown, yellow, black or any colour in between. This is about the fairness or madness of the situation.




Ok, lets leave the people in question's background out of this like you suggested. What should be done practically?

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There is a benefits cap of max £26,000 in place for those not working and claiming full benefits. How would this cover the rent and council tax for a 1.25 million pound home?


I'd like to see evidence of this before making any judgement.

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Then why mention it?


Its a good question and rooted in our predisposition to be politically correct. The fact is the family will be colored. Or if you prefer, black.


There is a possibility they will be Roma, therefore ethnically North Indian.


One thing is certain, they will not be Northern European.


You may ask what do I deduce from this? I deduce that Northern European societies tend to be settled, peaceful, and non predatory.


I further deduce that persons emanating from Africa, substantial parts of Asia come from less settled, ordered societies, because they are raised in corrupt countries they themselves have to fend for themselves, become predatory and a burden on the societies that they foist themselves upon.


Are my comments racist? I would say they are not, no one is racially predisposed one way or the other.


We invite problems when we allow these people into our society, far better we seek to assist them in their country of origin, improve their way of life and prospects to the benefit of all of us.

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Its a good question and rooted in our predisposition to be politically correct. The fact is the family will be colored. Or if you prefer, black.


There is a possibility they will be Roma, therefore ethnically North Indian.


One thing is certain, they will not be Northern European.


You may ask what do I deduce from this? I deduce that Northern European societies tend to be settled, peaceful, and non predatory.


I further deduce that persons emanating from Africa, substantial parts of Asia come from less settled, ordered societies, because they are raised in corrupt countries they themselves have to fend for themselves, become predatory and a burden on the societies that they foist themselves upon.


Are my comments racist? I would say they are not, no one is racially predisposed one way or the other.


We invite problems when we allow these people into our society, far better we seek to assist them in their country of origin, improve their way of life and prospects to the benefit of all of us.


Does the history of the 20th century mean nothing to you?

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Ok, lets leave the people in question's background out of this like you suggested. What should be done practically?


The peoples background IS relevant. Whether you like it or not, we are living in a world demarcated by borders and within those borders we support one another in differing ways. To cross a border by your own volition is to jump into the unsupported world and to expect people on the other side to support you without having contributed is simply unfair to those who by way of taxation have to provide.


Our borders should be under our control and we should be able to choose who we let in and who we eject. Just like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.


I remember speaking with an American about this once and his opinion on it was, The UK is stupid, you let in the goat herders while making it difficult for the people with the skills you need. The USA does it the other way round. You have to be able to give a lot to the USA to get in.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 13:43 ----------


Does the history of the 20th century mean nothing to you?


World War I and World War II lasted for 10 years in total. So 90% of the 20th Century was in relative peace. Going to the present date, these two wars represent just 8.62% of time since 1900.

Edited by Berberis
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World War I and World War II lasted for 10 years in total. So 90% of the 20th Century was in relative peace. Goin up to date these two wars represent just 8.62% of time since 1900.


There is far more to European 20th century history than the two World Wars. However the mass slaughter carried out by Europeans does suggest that the claim that European societies tend to be settled, peaceful, and non predatory is false.

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There is a benefits cap of max £26,000 in place for those not working and claiming full benefits. How would this cover the rent and council tax for a 1.25 million pound home?


I'd like to see evidence of this before making any judgement.


I saw this yesterday, it said Camden council rehomed them in a house they own in Kilbern, and the rent they pay on it is heavily subsidised by the council.

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