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Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.

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I do not know why they were moved to London, there are some reasons that I'd agree it was a good idea some that that I would think would be a bad one.


For example, did someone say that they had disabled children? If one of their kids has regular appointments at a London hospital, then I'd say yes it was the right reason to move them there. If they were moved there for no other reason than they just fancied living in London, then I would say that that would be wrong.


I do not think that a caravan is suitable accommodation for such a big family with disabled children.


Again we're back to the reason as to why they're living in London. if £3k is the going rate for basic accommodation in the area that they need to live, then unfortunately £3k is what needs to be paid. If we paying £3k because they fancy living there, then it is wrong.


A side issue. We need to beware of moving out all social housing away from London because of the cost, what needs to be done is an attempt to tackle the cost of social housing in London.


No mention in the report linked that they had London hospital visits..just that they wanted to move to London..

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They moved them from Coventry to London.... because " they decided they would rather live in London"


"The family were initially housed in a £1,000-a-month property in Coventry, West Midlands."


Now they're in a £3k house in London...


I thought they had moved back out, but now i see they have just moved to another part of London. As the Council own the house then its worth or rent is pretty irrlevant. Any six bedroom house is London is going to be very expensive.


How much do you think house rents are for 6 bedroom houses in London?

Sharing bedrooms


The following are expected to share:


an adult couple

2 children under 16 of the same sex

2 children under 10 (regardless of sex)


The following can have their own bedroom:


a single adult (16 or over)

a child that would normally share but shared bedrooms are already taken, eg you’ve 3 children and 2 already share

children who can’t share because of a disability or medical condition

a non-resident overnight carer for you or your partner (but only if they must stay overnight)


So I assume the Counil have been through the criteria and come up with 6.

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I thought they had moved back out, but now i see they have just moved to another part of London. As the Council own the house then its worth or rent is pretty irrlevant. Any six bedroom house is London is going to be very expensive.


How much do you think house rents are for 6 bedroom houses in London?

Sharing bedrooms


The following are expected to share:


an adult couple

2 children under 16 of the same sex

2 children under 10 (regardless of sex)


The following can have their own bedroom:


a single adult (16 or over)

a child that would normally share but shared bedrooms are already taken, eg you’ve 3 children and 2 already share

children who can’t share because of a disability or medical condition

a non-resident overnight carer for you or your partner (but only if they must stay overnight)


So I assume the Counil have been through the criteria and come up with 6.


Part of the issue is why have they been able to move from cheap Coventry to expensive London...? No reason given in the report other than they wanted to live there..the house has been extensively altered,according to the report,..that won't have been done for free..

Edited by truman
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No mention in the report linked that they had London hospital visits..just that they wanted to move to London..


True, but are you confident that the Daily Mail has given a thorough and rounded report of the families situation, or could they just be engaging in some clickbait to help their advertising revenue?


I've told you where I stand, so you don't really have to ask the question again. If as you suggest the family was moved to London because they fancied living there then I'd think it was wrong, but as I said there could be another reason.

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True, but are you confident that the Daily Mail has given a thorough and rounded report of the families situation, or could they just be engaging in some clickbait to help their advertising revenue?


I've told you where I stand, so you don't really have to ask the question again. If as you suggest the family was moved to London because they fancied living there then I'd think it was wrong, but as I said there could be another reason.


All we have to go on is the report.. that's what I'm discussing..if someone can link to a better source then I'm ready to read it..

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Part of the issue is why have they been able to move from cheap Coventry to expensive London...? No reason given in the report other than they wanted to live there..the house has been extensively altered,according to the report,..that won't have been done for free..


And ive already pointed out that at the moment theres nothing in Housing benefit rules that prevent you claiming in another authority.


Its not uncommon for people to move to another part of the country to find work.


If the rule is nobdu is allowed to claim HB in London, then that lets rich London boroughs off the hook and makes LA's in other parts of the country bear the burden.


As far as im aware you dont have to give a reason.

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And ive already pointed out that at the moment theres nothing in Housing benefit rules that prevent you claiming in another authority.


Its not uncommon for people to move to another part of the country to find work.


If the rule is nobdu is allowed o claim gn in London, then that lest rich London boroughs off the hook and makes LA's in other parts of the country bear the burden.


Do you reckon this guy is looking for work...or playing the system? Genuine question...

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Btw id be happy for them to stop moving in terms of extra expense unless they could show a genuine reason such as getting work.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 16:03 ----------


Do you reckon this guy is looking for work...or playing the system? Genuine question...


Playing system. Bote companies like Giigle and Amazon play the system in fact almost everyone does to some extent. He's staying within the rules.


So on that basis not impressed with someone playing the system in this way.


Cant get worked up with house values and rent amounts becayse for the most part that is how much it costs to live in London. If you notice its o do with people that have very large families. hence the benefits cap at 2 children.

Edited by 999tigger
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