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I'm not racist... but...

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Originally posted by Sidla

Why is that double standards? I've banged my head against the wall 200 times and I still don't see it.


Because you said, and I quote: "I find it hard to believe a black person could ever say anything towards a white person that could be considered racist." So basically you're saying a black person could call a white person a "white ba****" or something on those lines and it would not be racist, but the other way round it would be... you really can't see double standards there? Are you blind???

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Originally posted by t020

So basically you're saying a black person could call a white person a "white ba****" or something on those lines and it would not be racist, but the other way round it would be...

It would be insulting to the white person, but I don't see how it could be considered racist. Since when has it been racist to call someone white?

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Originally posted by Sidla

It would be insulting to the white person, but I don't see how it could be considered racist. Since when has it been racist to call someone white?

so if i called someone a black bas wouldnt that be racist:loopy:
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Gotta side with t020 on this Sidla.


If it's racist to call someone a black b****** surely it's the same in reverse. It's not racist to call someone black nor is it racist to call someone white.


However if you call someone a white b****** it's just as racist as if it were the other way round!

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Of course it would be racist to call someone a black b******!! You just don't get it do you? Why would you need to bring the persons skin colour into it? Will the word alone not suffice? It's almost as if the 'black' is added in an effort to make the insult carry more weight, therefore it is racist.


On the other hand, if a black person called someone a white b****** then how is that racist? Black people have never had a history of discrimination against white people in this country, so I don't see how 'white' could ever be used as an insult in this example.


I know this doesn't seem fair, but then white people's history of treating black people as lesser life forms isn't fair either. It can't be taken back, and white people should be ashamed of what they've done. I know most white people alive have had nothing to do with it, but it happened and can't be changed.


And before you say it, yes there may be black people who take advantage of this fact. However that is for a court of law to decide, not people like you making rash generalisations.

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Originally posted by Sidla

Of course it would be racist to call someone a black b******!! You just don't get it do you? Why would you need to bring the persons skin colour into it? Will the word alone not suffice? It's almost as if the 'black' is added in an effort to make the insult carry more weight, therefore it is racist.


On the other hand, if a black person called someone a white b****** then how is that racist? Black people have never had a history of discrimination against white people in this country, so I don't see how 'white' could ever be used as an insult in this example.


I know this doesn't seem fair, but then white people's history of treating black people as lesser life forms isn't fair either. It can't be taken back, and white people should be ashamed of what they've done. I know most white people alive have had nothing to do with it, but it happened and can't be changed.


And before you say it, yes there may be black people who take advantage of this fact. However that is for a court of law to decide, not people like you making rash generalisations.

Please clarify who this is addressed to Sidla.


What you are stating may be fact and the white people may have subjected black people to racism for many years. However this does not change the fact. Racist is racist is racist. Whether its white calling black, or black calling white (or even yellow calling brown and green calling blue) whatever.


Just because certain members of society were subject to discrimination doesn't make it right whatsoever for the reverse to be accepted in today's society. If you want to accept it...fine, I wont. And I should and nor should you because acceptance of this breeds resentment and resentment keeps racism alive.

It doesn't matter where the racism is coming from or to whom, it's still racism and still wrong. To think otherwise is just ignorance and stupidity.

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Originally posted by Sidla


Or, consider this, maybe the person using this statement is saying it to show support for all the black people before them that had to endure suffering so that they could have their freedom.


And all the white people who gave their lives for black people's freedom in the American Civil War?


And all the white people who gave their lives for the freedom of Oriental people in South East Asia?


I'm ashamed of my forefathers if they were involved in slavery, BUT I am very proud to be white based on the history of the majority of my English forefothers.


Being called WHITE TRASH would be as insulting for me as being called BLACK B****** would be to a black person.


As I had nothing to do with slavery, apartheid or Nazis, no person has the right to call me racist names just because some other white has.

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I'm saying that 'white' cannot be levied as an insult in the way that 'black' can. I don't understand why you don't see that.


Originally posted by markham

And all the white people who gave their lives for black people's freedom in the American Civil War?

I don't see what relavence that has. I'm not saying all white people are racist.

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Originally posted by Sidla

I'm saying that 'white' cannot be levied as an insult in the way that 'black' can. I don't understand why you don't see that.





Sorry Sidla, but I can't see what you are getting at here.

Why is someone calling ME a white b****** any better than me calling someone a black b******? Aren't both insults about race so therefore racist?

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