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Fat Pride or no Pride?

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I haven't called people names because of their appearance, but it's obvious that some feel it's justified. An individuals appearance isn't incitement to hate speech. Although some morons believe this to be justified by making it clear through debate on an open forum. If you make a moronic statement and that moronic statement is pointed out as moronic, that isn't hypocrisy, it's just stating the obvious to most. By making a moronic statement one has incited a response.




Coming from the voice that believes insults are appropriate unless you take steps to change your appearance I'll take that as a croc.....morons it would seem don't like to be outed with their own cretinous diatribe. Odd isn't it how fidgety one can get when one is sussed.


But you are the same as someone that does, you pick something about a person to justify calling them names, what you do is no different to calling people names based on their race or size.


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 11:41 ----------


People keep posting the same comment over and over and yet STILL cannot tell me WHERE I HAVE PERSONALLY called someone a name or said it is appropriate!!!!


Jesus wept.....


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 11:38 ----------


And I'm the moron!!!


That's because you haven't, but cassity has, ironic isn't it?

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But you are the same as someone that does, you pick something about a person to justify calling them names, what you do is no different to calling people names based on their race or size.


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 11:41 ----------



That's because you haven't, but cassity has, ironic isn't it?




Some people just don't get it....

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People keep posting the same comment over and over and yet STILL cannot tell me WHERE I HAVE PERSONALLY called someone a name or said it is appropriate!!!!

The discussion isn't about 'someone personal' it's about the attributes of 'fat" individuals generally... In order not to be abused you profess that 'fat people' should run and eat less in order to avoid being abused. That is tantamount to advocating abuse.


And I'm the moron!!!


At last.


But you are the same as someone that does, you pick something about a person to justify calling them names,


I didn't pick anything that wasn't there, I didn't create the statement..I responded to it appropriately. It's usually the bigots that squeal like boiled lobsters the loudest with ' you're just as offensive' as a defense when they're rightly labelled thick.


Some people just don't get it....


Moron: Hey fatso, lose some weight.. (Offensively Moronic)


Victim: You are an offensive moron. (offended)


Moron: If you want to dodge offence, dodge some pies and get out and run. (Offensively moronic). Adequate translation: If you are fat and you don't like being called names then lose weight!! (Equally and offensively moronic)


So..just what is it we don't get?

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The discussion isn't about 'someone personal' it's about the attributes of 'fat" individuals generally... In order not to be abused you profess that 'fat people' should run and eat less in order to avoid being abused. That is tantamount to advocating abuse.




At last.




I didn't pick anything that wasn't there, I didn't create the statement..I responded to it appropriately. It's usually the bigots that squeal like boiled lobsters the loudest with ' you're just as offensive' as a defense when they're rightly labelled thick.




Moron: Hey fatso, lose some weight.. (Offensively Moronic)


Victim: You are an offensive moron. (offended)


Moron: If you want to dodge offence, dodge some pies and get out and run. (Offensively moronic). Adequate translation: If you are fat and you don't like being called names then lose weight!! (Equally and offensively moronic)


So..just what is it we don't get?




---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 15:48 ----------


I do find it rather amusing that someone can have a go at me for apparently being abusive (for things I haven't even said) and yet they see it fit to throw abuse at me!!


Haha the irony...


Stop trolling troll...

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Absolutely wrong. To call someone a cretin or a moron in this context is crucially different from shouting 'Oi, lardarse, who ate all the pies?' at someone in the street; the former is in response to someone's behaviour i.e. what they've written here, the latter is in response to who they are.

If you can't appreciate the difference between the two, frankly, you're dim.


Aren't fat people fat because of their behaviour? The real difference is surely that the lardarse hasn't solicited a response whilst someone posting on a forum has. The former may be marginally ruder but they are both rude and both lazy forms of comment and argument.

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Aren't fat people fat because of their behaviour? The real difference is surely that the lardarse hasn't solicited a response whilst someone posting on a forum has. The former may be marginally ruder but they are both rude and both lazy forms of comment and argument.


So a fat person with opinions that some people don't like should stay in doors and avoid expressing their opinions online if they don't want to be verbally abused. They go out side and are abused for being fat, they stay indoors to avoid the abused but get abuse for expressing opinions online that some people don't like. Sounds like a loose loose.

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So a fat person with opinions that some people don't like should stay in doors and avoid expressing their opinions online if they don't want to be verbally abused. They go out side and are abused for being fat, they stay indoors to avoid the abused but get abuse for expressing opinions online that some people don't like. Sounds like a loose loose.


If you post opinions on public forums sites then you risk others abusing you whether you are fat or thin.


As for going out and getting abuse... that also happens to different people for different reasons e.g. too fat, too thin, ugly, spotty, disabled, wrong football team, fashion, race etc, etc.


It would be nice of people could refrain from abuse but I think we have all become a little too sensitive just the same. I personally think people need to develop thicker skins... although that could add to some people's weight problem! :D

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If you post opinions on public forums sites then you risk others abusing you whether you are fat or thin.


Which is no different to if you go out you risk others abusing you for one reason or another.


As for going out and getting abuse... that also happens to different people for different reasons e.g. too fat, too thin, ugly, spotty, disabled, wrong football team, fashion, race etc, etc.


It would be nice of people could refrain from abuse but I think we have all become a little too sensitive just the same. I personally think people need to develop thicker skins... although that could add to some people's weight problem! :D


That must be why I am fat then, I have very thick skin. :D

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Absolutely wrong. To call someone a cretin or a moron in this context is crucially different from shouting 'Oi, lardarse, who ate all the pies?' at someone in the street;.
My bold

That's a new one on me, is that what you shout?


---------- Post added 23-07-2015 at 17:44 ----------


What amazes me is the amount of obese people employed in our hospitals.

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