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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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The jury is out on that one, the vast majority of the public voted AGAINST the government. They are only in power due to a flawed electoral system


Boo hoo.


Its the same "flawed" system that kept Labour in power for 13 years. Its the same "flawed" system that created the 2010 coalition government.


No complaints then. Strange that. "....Iz it coz I iz Tory init???"


Oh by the way, even with Electoral Reform statisitions have concluded that the Conservatives would still have resulted in a majority of seats won and votes cast.


You will have another go at it in 5 years.


---------- Post added 13-07-2015 at 11:36 ----------


Nmw 6.50 going up to 7.20 next april.


So that's equal to around just over £14k a year or £242.00 a week for the lowest skilled entry grade workers.


Hardly a pittance. When I first joined my law practice not that many years ago our senior secretarial staff and junior paralegals were not on much more than that.


Take into account that there is a 10.6k tax free allowance for everyone, and Mr and Mrs minimum wage worker is only having to pay £1400 of their annual income in tax.


What I am saying is that a minimum wage earner is having a net monthly salary of just over £1k a month. If they cannot live on that - there is a serious problem.


Its clearly going to be going up again in due course so personally I think its about time all these "Living wage" and "£10 an hour" campaigners need to get off their soapbox and come back to the real world.

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The labouring class (workers, proletarians, guilds, trades, unions, women, children, chartists, etc etc etc) organised and fought for the things we take for granted today - weekends, sick pay, holiday pay, a vote, children not working 14 hour days in dangerous cotton mills. Things like that. :)


At the time they suffered worse than being called "lefties" - some politicians set the army on them. Yet now you've stripped all that away and boiled it down, rewrote history with the bits you don't like left out.


Well I ain't having it. You're wrong, and even more than that - you're being willfully stupid. There are many criticisms of both sides of politics, left and right, but it's idiotic to ignore history.








It is idiotic to ignore history. It is also deceitful to re write it, limits to working hours, cotton mill reform, state education, voting rights, these changes were brought in by Tory governments. One nation Tory governments.


Under Thatcher the country fought a class war between those of the left, influenced by Marxist Leninist infiltrated unions and Labour party, and a right wing, capitalist, market oriented Tory administration. The Tories won.


Cameron and Osborne, nurtured under Thatcher and Major have identified the divisiveness of the Thatcher years and seem to be returning to one nation Toryism.


Blue collar Tories, like the trade unionists who voted Thatcher in, are the most valuable constituency. Suspicious of all governments, not dogmatic, they will vote for competence and what is right for them and the country.


This is the constituency that voted Cameron in and if he keeps this up will see Osborne, as PM lead the country between 2020 and 2025.


What is stupid, is being dogmatic, support and vote for what works, By 2025 the Tory party may well run out of ideas, the MPs will be jaded and the electorate ready for change, this happened to Labour in 1979 under Callaghan, and in 1997 under Major.


Support competence, which, at the moment, means Tory.

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Boo hoo.


Its the same "flawed" system that kept Labour in power for 13 years. Its the same "flawed" system that created the 2010 coalition government.


No complaints then. Strange that. "....Iz it coz I iz Tory init???"


Oh by the way, even with Electoral Reform statisitions have concluded that the Conservatives would still have resulted in a majority of seats won and votes cast.


You will have another go at it in 5 years.


---------- Post added 13-07-2015 at 11:36 ----------



So that's equal to around just over £14k a year or £242.00 a week for the lowest skilled entry grade workers.


Hardly a pittance. When I first joined my law practice not that many years ago our senior secretarial staff and junior paralegals were not on much more than that.


Take into account that there is a 10.6k tax free allowance for everyone, and Mr and Mrs minimum wage worker is only having to pay £1400 of their annual income in tax.


What I am saying is that a minimum wage earner is having a net monthly salary of just over £1k a month. If they cannot live on that - there is a serious problem.


Its clearly going to be going up again in due course so personally I think its about time all these "Living wage" and "£10 an hour" campaigners need to get off their soapbox and come back to the real world.


Category of worker Hourly rate

Aged 21 and above £6.50

Aged 18 to 20 inclusive £5.13

Aged under 18 (but above compulsory school leaving age) £3.79

Apprentices aged under 19 £2.73

Apprentices aged 19 and over, but in the first year of their apprenticeship £2.73


---------- Post added 13-07-2015 at 11:56 ----------


...i couldnt live on any of those figures above. Just saying.


---------- Post added 13-07-2015 at 12:00 ----------


National minimum income standard states:

In 2015, single people need to earn at least £17,100 a year before tax to achieve MIS. Couples with two children need to earn at least £20,000 each.

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Boo hoo.


Its the same "flawed" system that kept Labour in power for 13 years. Its the same "flawed" system that created the 2010 coalition government.


No complaints then. Strange that. "....Iz it coz I iz Tory init???"


Oh by the way, even with Electoral Reform statisitions have concluded that the Conservatives would still have resulted in a majority of seats won and votes cast.


You will have another go at it in 5 years.


---------- Post added 13-07-2015 at 11:36 ----------



So that's equal to around just over £14k a year or £242.00 a week for the lowest skilled entry grade workers.


Hardly a pittance. When I first joined my law practice not that many years ago our senior secretarial staff and junior paralegals were not on much more than that.


Take into account that there is a 10.6k tax free allowance for everyone, and Mr and Mrs minimum wage worker is only having to pay £1400 of their annual income in tax.


What I am saying is that a minimum wage earner is having a net monthly salary of just over £1k a month. If they cannot live on that - there is a serious problem.


Its clearly going to be going up again in due course so personally I think its about time all these "Living wage" and "£10 an hour" campaigners need to get off their soapbox and come back to the real world.


Entirely right there is a serious problem. 5 million jobs pay £2.26 per hour less than national living standard.

Id say thats poverty. Although some call it progress, strangely.

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It is idiotic to ignore history. It is also deceitful to re write it

I haven't rewritten it.

limits to working hours, cotton mill reform, state education, voting rights, these changes were brought in by Tory governments. One nation Tory governments.

And Whig governments. Don't take all the credit in one go. The attempts to subdue change also happened under Tory and Whig government. Don't take all the glory in one gulp. ;)


Secondly, it couldn't happen under a Labour government because the party didn't exist. The requirements limited the working class from even having a vote because they weren't landed gentleman, without even thinking of a seat in Parliament. It's no suprise changed happen under other governments - it could only be that way.


The rest is a rant about 1980s politics. Not my original point, and not interested in party politics.

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