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Can you help .. design logo for webpage in jpg?

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Why do you expect someone to design a logo for free ? Designers are professionals after all. No other industry suffers from people asking for freebies. You wouldn't ask a plumber or builder to work for free.

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Hey, give them a chance...... There must be a reason. I have pm'd the op offering help.


A tiny bit of research and you'd have noted what the logo would likely be for. You'd have also noted the OP is a del-boy style character simply looking for a freebie. The design industry is overrun with people offering very low-priced and even free work, which is slowly killing it as people begin to think £10 for a logo is a fair price.


It always shows me how much faith someone has in their business with how much they're willing to invest. People can tell a bad logo a mile off, so freebies mite says some short term cash, but it also makes the business much more likely to fail.

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