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Ramps are a marvellous thing!

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So I've been distracted for too long, what with the BMW and the Landrover defaulting as the 2nd and 3rd form of transport the poor old Spitfire has just been neglected and left to sit in the garage. The spare starter motor that I'd acquired has at last been fitted by me today and I'm now charging up the battery in the vain hope I can get the thing to fire up! For anybody who's ever attempted to get the starter off a Spit, the bottom nut and setscrew is a total swine to get to when the cars on the deck. It is therefore with a smug self satisfied clever smile on my face I can congratulate myself for getting my large hydraulic jack some years ago. Combined with a pair of ramps it was a joy to push the Spit up in the air, slide the ramps under the wheels and just get on with it in safety!:thumbsup: Sometimes there's just no substitute for the right kit.:)

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