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Amazon Prime & Roku


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I have a Roku streamer and I'm very pleased with it


Has anyone managed to get one of these to work with Amazon Prime ?, there doesn't seem to be a channel for it, at least in the UK, the states seem to have it OK.


Is it not available in the UK ?

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Doesn't work as far as I know..


I remember seeing something about BSkyB blocking it (and LoveFilm and a couple of others) - as to favour their own service.


BSkyB was one of the original investors.

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I think a lot of stuff is actually, but I'm not willing to make a large payment up-front per year personally.


I also HATED their app when I had a free trial, much more awkward and worse picture and sound quality than Netflix. (although I changed speakers and not Netflix sounds worse as they pick up lossy compression in the higher frequencies now)


Ah well their loss, I'm not buying a different box just for Amazon


Thanks Ghozer


Which to be fair, is precisely how Sky want you to feel.


Do you not have anything else with Amazon on it? My Bluray player and TV have it (I think), its actually Netflix that I had to get a different box for because it has higher technical requirement for its DRM.

Edited by AlexAtkin
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...Which to be fair, is precisely how Sky want you to feel...
Oh, this is sky's fault is it, didn't know that, it won't do them any good as I wouldn't touch sky with a bargepole
Do you not have anything else with Amazon on it?
I can play on a PC if I have to but I'd prefer it on the TV.
...its actually Netflix that I had to get a different box for because it has higher technical requirement for its DRM.
Really ? my Roku 1 shows Netflix with no issues, maybe they've upgraded them
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