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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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Before this one turns into some crazy rant about which party are to blame (motorists or cyclists), I am not trying to persecute cyclists plural, only a certain percentage of cyclists and if anything I am more worried about the welfare of these cyclists if anything as I feel the antics that I have witnessed could eventually find them injured at the very least.


I work in a position where driving plays a large percentage in my daily role. I spend a large percentage of my working week on the roads in and around the city and I don't know whether it coincides with the pleasant change in the weather but lately I have noticed a different sort of cyclist on the road. At the first glance these cyclists obviously don't appear to be seasoned cyclists as they don't have models of bikes designed to be used on the road on a daily basis and they don't wear waterproof / cycling clothing. Most importantly though they seem very naive to the highway code and the dangers surrounding them whilst on the roads.


Take for example Penistone road only yesterday. One cyclist on a bike that without expertise in my opinion was more suited to off road cycling. He joined the carriageway up by the college at Hillsborough despite the fact that he had a nice clear cycle path to cycle along. My gripe isn't that he joined the carriageway but the manner in which he made his way along the carriageway starting off at the curbside and regularly switching into the middle of the road between cars in order to try an overtake cars. This cyclist never once took care to look around him as he veered in and out of motorists and on two occasions cars had to brake to accommodate his ridiculously hazardous antics. In fact if the Skoda Fabia driver is reading this I salute you for your perception and reactions when this cyclist cut you up as if you hadn't had your wits about you, the cyclist would have come a cropper.


Then we have the other (at least) half a dozen cyclists that I have seen over the last week or so, again weaving in and out of carriageways. Regularly disappearing in blind spots, tailgating cars ridiculous closely, switching between pavements and carriageways without looking around for oncoming motorists, RUNNING RED LIGHTS at junctions narrowly missing oncoming traffic.


The actions are ridiculously careless and could see you severely injured at a bare minimum. Is it really worth it? Do you value 2 the potential 2 minutes that you might shave off your journey in favour of your own life?


I am all for cycling. I'm not a cyclist personally but in my professional I can appreciate the benefits that cycling has when it comes to fitness and I am sure that cycling has many other benefits. I am not knocking cyclists as a whole, seasoned cyclists execute their daily commute with skill, common sense and in full compliance with the basics of the highway code. Unfortunately as with motorists you have a minority who simply shouldn't be on the road without further training.


If you are one of these cyclists! Please think twice! When you veer around behind me or suddenly cut me up from my blind side from nowhere or suddenly appear in front of me at a junction which should be clear due to lights.....I can't see you, I don't know you are there! And whilst I drive with caution and with a perception of potential hazards around me, sometimes these things are inevitable and it wouldn't be any fault of my own. I don't want to have to live with the fact that I have severely injured a cyclist or worse. Please, please, please Think twice!

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I walk along Corporation street every day to go to work (Coming from Mowbray street, over the bridge, past Tesco, round the corner and crossing over into West Bar) and regularly see:


1) A woman on a push bike cycling from somewhere on Kelham island. She cycles along the path, ringing her bell to get people to move (its always busy as Students cross over at the lights near the Tesco). She seemingly has an inability to use the road


2) A guy, must be late 20's, early 30's who also comes from Kelham Island, and comes out onto Corporation Street by Tesco who ALWAYS without failure jumps the lights. Twice I've nearly had him hit me whilst crossing the road. The second time I yelled at him and made it clear that if it happens again, he can expect to be pushed off.


These people are complete arses. You're on the road, you have to abide by the rules of the road, I don't care what they are using as their vehicle, not a single one of them gives you the right to nearly hit me.

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Before this one turns into some crazy rant about which party are to blame (motorists or cyclists), I am not trying to persecute cyclists plural, only a certain percentage of cyclists and if anything I am more worried about the welfare of these cyclists if anything as I feel the antics that I have witnessed could eventually find them injured at the very least.


I work in a position where driving plays a large percentage in my daily role. I spend a large percentage of my working week on the roads in and around the city and I don't know whether it coincides with the pleasant change in the weather but lately I have noticed a different sort of cyclist on the road. At the first glance these cyclists obviously don't appear to be seasoned cyclists as they don't have models of bikes designed to be used on the road on a daily basis and they don't wear waterproof / cycling clothing. Most importantly though they seem very naive to the highway code and the dangers surrounding them whilst on the roads.


Take for example Penistone road only yesterday. One cyclist on a bike that without expertise in my opinion was more suited to off road cycling. He joined the carriageway up by the college at Hillsborough despite the fact that he had a nice clear cycle path to cycle along. My gripe isn't that he joined the carriageway but the manner in which he made his way along the carriageway starting off at the curbside and regularly switching into the middle of the road between cars in order to try an overtake cars. This cyclist never once took care to look around him as he veered in and out of motorists and on two occasions cars had to brake to accommodate his ridiculously hazardous antics. In fact if the Skoda Fabia driver is reading this I salute you for your perception and reactions when this cyclist cut you up as if you hadn't had your wits about you, the cyclist would have come a cropper.


Then we have the other (at least) half a dozen cyclists that I have seen over the last week or so, again weaving in and out of carriageways. Regularly disappearing in blind spots, tailgating cars ridiculous closely, switching between pavements and carriageways without looking around for oncoming motorists, RUNNING RED LIGHTS at junctions narrowly missing oncoming traffic.


The actions are ridiculously careless and could see you severely injured at a bare minimum. Is it really worth it? Do you value 2 the potential 2 minutes that you might shave off your journey in favour of your own life?


I am all for cycling. I'm not a cyclist personally but in my professional I can appreciate the benefits that cycling has when it comes to fitness and I am sure that cycling has many other benefits. I am not knocking cyclists as a whole, seasoned cyclists execute their daily commute with skill, common sense and in full compliance with the basics of the highway code. Unfortunately as with motorists you have a minority who simply shouldn't be on the road without further training.


If you are one of these cyclists! Please think twice! When you veer around behind me or suddenly cut me up from my blind side from nowhere or suddenly appear in front of me at a junction which should be clear due to lights.....I can't see you, I don't know you are there! And whilst I drive with caution and with a perception of potential hazards around me, sometimes these things are inevitable and it wouldn't be any fault of my own. I don't want to have to live with the fact that I have severely injured a cyclist or worse. Please, please, please Think twice!


Reading your post you just seem to be pee'd off that the cyclists are clearly getting around the city much faster than yourself.


It's OK to be jealous, the bike is a much faster mode of transport in the city.


Give it a try, it's much less stressful than being sat in traffic :)

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Guest busdriver1
Reading your post you just seem to be pee'd off that the cyclists are clearly getting around the city much faster than yourself.


It's OK to be jealous, the bike is a much faster mode of transport in the city.


Give it a try, it's much less stressful than being sat in traffic :)


The way I read it is that the OP is not jealous or peed off they are getting there faster but has genuine concerns for their and other peoples safety caused by a minority.

Your reply suggests to me you may be one of the offenders.

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Whilst i feel for the op i cant help but think this is a pointless waste of time as far as threads go. The large militant side of the cycling community sort of make proper debate impossible.


What debate is there to be had. The OP rants a bit about a few specific cyclists and that's it.

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I'd just flip the OPs thread the other way and as a cyclist I have far more problems with drivers on the road its just that I don't bother putting them on here as I'll be here all day and every day.

I ride on Penistone Rd every day to get access to Bradfield and its a logistical nightmare but do you really expect me to sit in traffic queues.

Bicycles are designed to slip in and out as long as its done safely and as a car driver you have to exept that they will get from A to B quicker than you can in peak hours and roaring the engine as loud as you can when you pass is laughable

Edited by Cycleracer
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I was walking along the footpath on Union Street in the city centre a few weeks ago & felt something hit the back of my leg.


I looked around to find a bloke, in his 20s I guess, on a bicycle who had ridden into me.


I challenged him & he gave me the excuse "You're in my way & slowing me down so I knocked in to you to make you realise I was here". Unbelievable! I had quite a go at him but he didn't seem to have any conception that he was in the wrong.:loopy:

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