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Sorry to start another thread! Hehe!


Did anyone see the (appallingly abruptly ended, i.e. unfinished sentence, no full stop...) article in the Star about those idiotic kids that hang around in Meersbrook/Heeley (near Steve's Convenience's at the bottom of Meersbrook Park mostly)? I don't know if this affects any of you, but they hurl abuse, among other things, and threaten you if you won't buy them fags etc. The shop owners are worried about having to close because they are losing so much business.


I get even more flak because they recognise me from last year (I'm only a year or two older than them) at school. What exaceterly can be done about situations like this?

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Zero tolerance policing.


Get a riot van down there, lock em all up for the night... couple of weeks without their warm beds and they'll think again about messing about near the shops...

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Originally posted by RPG

Zero tolerance policing.


Get a riot van down there, lock em all up for the night... couple of weeks without their warm beds and they'll think again about messing about near the shops...

Gotta agree with RPG on this one!

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ooh that would be sweet!


I know there might be a lot of people that think it's just an un justified prejudice against these kids, but they spent 3 or 4 years terrorising kids in the area and at school, they really are just horrible! One of my friends went into said corner shop, and on exiting was punched in the face by a girl from the group, because she decided my friend was a 'Goth' (or 'Goffikal').


Imagine trying to walk down a school corridor and a line of them on either side pushing you into the other side, then into the other side, then back again, etc, for about 6 or 7 metres. Not targetted bullying...they just did it to smaller people (like me! lol). They're just....intimidating to locals.

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Originally posted by RPG

Zero tolerance policing.


Get a riot van down there, lock em all up for the night... couple of weeks without their warm beds and they'll think again about messing about near the shops...


I'm also inclined to agree too. Apparently we've had some problem with this type of thing down near the chip shop at the bottom of Wincobank to the extreme that the man in the chip shop had to abandon his shop for fear of what might happen.


It's really not on when people can't earn an honest living for this type of thing or even just go about their normal life. I can't help but wonder if it wouldn't also be an idea to lock up their parents because the apathy has to start somewhere. I don't know about the rest of you but if you challenge the parents (when you know who they are) you get the same type of behaviour from them. Fruit not falling far from the tree comes to mind!

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Can't the shopkeepers put in a legitimate complaint to the police if they are causing an obstruction and causing them to lose business? Just a thought, I don't know that for sure.


I know they'll only go somewhere else but it's about time this yob problem was taken care of, IMO.


Other than that, what RPG said.:D

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Originally posted by RPG

Zero tolerance policing.


Get a riot van down there, lock em all up for the night... couple of weeks without their warm beds and they'll think again about messing about near the shops...


uv hit the nail right on the head there, I am also getting sick of people like that, iv been threated with screw drivers by ppl demanding money. lucky some m8s came and helped me out

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Originally posted by RPG

Zero tolerance policing.


Get a riot van down there, lock em all up for the night... couple of weeks without their warm beds and they'll think again about messing about near the shops...


off with the goolies


never fails



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Having experience gangs of idiots hanging around outside a pub I used to have and driving the customers away, the shop owners have my full sympathy. The police couldn't do anything, some cared, some didn't. The police didn't have the power or resources to move the kids away and keep them away. We eventually closed because of this.

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