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Zero per cent inflation,food prices stable,dont you believe it

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The government is bragging it has achieved the near impossible with inflation at zero per cent.This has made people think nothing is going up in price,nothing could be further from the truth.Price increases this month are house rents,council tax,water bills, stamps,car tax,sky prices,petrol prices and I have no doubt there are many more.Whilst food prices appear to be stable just take a look at some of the pack sizes,these are getting smaller and smaller whilst the price remains the same.Packs of bacon,cooked meats,biscuits,cereals,in fact almost everything sheds a few grams,tins and bottled products just the same.Even toilet rolls lose a yard.Chocolate manufacturers seem to be the best at this size reduction scam.We are all being ripped off by manufacturers who are making millions and the government has the cheek to turn it into something of an achievement for themselves.

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The government is bragging it has achieved the near impossible with inflation at zero per cent.This has made people think nothing is going up in price,nothing could be further from the truth.Price increases this month are house rents,council tax,water bills, stamps,car tax,sky prices,petrol prices and I have no doubt there are many more.Whilst food prices appear to be stable just take a look at some of the pack sizes,these are getting smaller and smaller whilst the price remains the same.Packs of bacon,cooked meats,biscuits,cereals,in fact almost everything sheds a few grams,tins and bottled products just the same.Even toilet rolls lose a yard.Chocolate manufacturers seem to be the best at this size reduction scam.We are all being ripped off by manufacturers who are making millions and the government has the cheek to turn it into something of an achievement for themselves.


Yep- and regarding food, the manufacturers will tell you it's what the general public has asked for (surveys n all that).

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I haven't noticed the price of my shopping trolley going down in price, in fact it's about 350p per week more expensive, and I buy more of less the same stuff every week


Trolleys do seem to be overpriced. You would be better off carrying 4 baskets instead. A lot cheaper.

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I picked up a pack off four Mars Bars up in the supermarket and couldn't believe how they have shrunk. The full size bars are now not much bigger than snack size ones. I put them back on the shelf.


You sound amazingly strong. Oooh Matron.:love:

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