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Should the UK scrap race laws

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I saw an article this morning; In it Nigel Farage suggested that Race laws (Race Relations Act, Equal Pay Act) should be abolished as, he thinks

'discrimination' is no longer an issue in Britain.




I profoundly disagree with him. I think there is sufficient evidence to warrant the need for such laws.

However other political parties' responses were quite silly: David Cameron accuses Mr Farage of being 'desperate for attention' (what politician isn't, especially in the run up to the election) :huh: And I do think Sadiq Khan, of Labour, is slightly over egging the pudding when he said what Farage said was 'the most shocking thing he ever heard'.

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It actually fits in with Farage' libertarian view of the world, I don't see anything profoundly wrong with his suggestion, other than that I disagree with him. It is still needed in Britain and discrimination is still a massive issue. The question is though, do these laws help? I am not convinced.

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It actually fits in with Farage' libertarian view of the world, I don't see anything profoundly wrong with his suggestion, other than that I disagree with him. It is still needed in Britain and discrimination is still a massive issue. The question is though, do these laws help? I am not convinced.


I think laws help in the sense it sets out a framework for society, I guess it's the enforcement of these laws that's important. Discrimination on grounds of race, gender, sexuality, age, class and disability is endemic in British society

Farage does have a libertarian view of society, in some respects, but he's hard line when it comes to the question of Europe and multiculturalism.

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I do not believe our interests are best served by limiting immigration. The fact is that there are about one million Brits who are uneconomically inactive and unemployable.


We need to attract people into this country who are prepared to work hard and get on. We do not need to top up the needy.

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I do not believe our interests are best served by limiting immigration. The fact is that there are about one million Brits who are uneconomically inactive and unemployable.


We need to attract people into this country who are prepared to work hard and get on. We do not need to top up the needy.


Or indeed look after them! :gag:


It's the new caring Tory party folks!

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I think laws help in the sense it sets out a framework for society, I guess it's the enforcement of these laws that's important. Discrimination on grounds of race, gender, sexuality, age, class and disability is endemic in British society

Farage does have a libertarian view of society, in some respects, but he's hard line when it comes to the question of Europe and multiculturalism.


Yes, the dichotomy between his view on the EU and his libertarian roots is rather baffling. I suppose he feels he has to stop external influences to realise his libertarian master-state. Ah well, I am sure it will be interesting grounds for politics students for years to come ;)

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