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How annoying is the iPhone update I've just installed (after nagging)


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Is this possible with a Samsung S4?

I am fed up with a screen full of junk and apps I don't use.


yep, just click on the apps button from your main screen, then press the left button at bottom of phone and press create folder, name it what you want then press edit and start dragging you're apps into / onto the folder

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I've got an iPhone 5s and after Apple nagging me to install the latest software update, I find it's plonked their latest app on my phone!


It's an app for 'pairing' an Apple Watch to my phone!....I have no intention EVER of buying such a device, and I certainly don't want the app on my phone. But it won't let me delete it.....Thanks Apple :rant:


Hmmm >>> Best answer >> GO Android!


---------- Post added 13-03-2015 at 23:43 ----------


Half the price double the power.


---------- Post added 14-03-2015 at 00:32 ----------


I would love Iphone users to have 24 hour with an android phone. Not only about half the price but more than 2x faster price for price.

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