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HSBC, the bank of tax cheats.

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Yeah, it probably will... after all this is rich people we're talking about.


Now if it was 'benefit scroungers' there'd be hell to pay and the full force of the law would be brought to bear...


Without rich people there wouldn't be any benefits. I suggest you be thankful and remember which side your bread is buttered

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Your point seemed to be that facilitating tax evasion was innovative...


Unfortunately today you do seem to be missing a lot of points. Did you not sleep very well last night?


Is that all you can say what points are everybody missing then


1: Smacks of money laundering to me apparently ill gotten gains from criminal gangs has been mentioned

2: The money from this tax evasion could have gone a long way to helping out this country in a time major austerity.

3 :How can you say it is innovative for a bank sanctioned by its CEO actively promote tax evasion on a massive scale.

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Without rich people there wouldn't be any benefits. I suggest you be thankful and remember which side your bread is buttered


So I take it that from your post above that you would like us the masses to bow down at kiss the feet of these people and put them on some kind of pedestal get real.

All every working man/woman in this country wants is to raise there families have a good standard of living (which means being paid a living wage pay there TAXES and not have to go cap in hand to dhss to top up there wages as is happening now). Stop these zero hour contracts so people can have stability in there lives and be able to plan ahead which on these sort of contracts they cannot. Get rid of these parasite employment agencies who rip people off.

And hopefully prosecute anybody involved in tax evasion.

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Without rich people there wouldn't be any benefits. I suggest you be thankful and remember which side your bread is buttered


It's time to stop paying attention to this nonsense and recognise it for what it is - ideologically motivated waffle offered in an attempt to muddy the waters and poison the wells. It is the only strategy the rich and their toadys have - to try and distract and confuse - as exposure after exposure demonstrate the sleaze and corruption of the neoliberal imperial agenda.

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Without rich people there wouldn't be any benefits. I suggest you be thankful and remember which side your bread is buttered


Without poor people the rich would be looking at empty offices and production lines. I suggest they be thankful to those that make their lifestyle possible.



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There's certainly a political storm brewing about this, more here:


Earlier this morning Financial Secretary to the Treasury David Gauke released this statement:


‘It is for HSBC to explain what they did to ensure their clients complied with the tax law. But it for the City Minister in years up to 2007, Ed Balls, to make an urgent statement about what he knew about all this and why the then government allowed tax avoidance and evasion to take place on such a scale.’



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How would abdicating your only right to try and do something about it (short of actually standing yourself), help foster any change?


You do realise, of course, that the more people refrain from voting as a protest, the smaller the electoral corpus and the more and the easier these guys are laughing and carrying on?


Since you won't be voting, and I'm not entitled to vote in the GE, do you mind lending me your vote?


Why should I vote? I don't believe any of the parties represent me.......so what's the point?


If the government does something that I disagree with, and it greatly affects me personally, I'll organise and protest. It's the best way to get your voice heard. Much more affective than casting a false vote just for the sake of it. If a party comes along and represents me, I'll vote for them.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 17:00 ----------


Without poor people the rich would be looking at empty offices and production lines. I suggest they be thankful to those that make their lifestyle possible.




Poor people outnumber the rich, vastly! At the end of the day, they need us much more than we need them!

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Why does that Goon keep creating aliases? I mean, the idiot has only been here 3 days and is on 39 posts already 11.33 per day. That's another on iggy


His modus operandi is so transparent - Insecurity & inferiority are probably behind the bravado. I'm just surprised the moderators aren't onto him; everyone else is.

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