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Charlie Hebdo available in Sheffield?


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I highly doubt it will be available in Sheffield. London, maybe.


Before anyone actually cared about the magazine it only had a circulation of 60k in France.


It is rather amusing that the Islamists shot themselves in the foot here. The magazine was struggling with circulation and would probably have gone under. The attack has breathed new life into the magazine and in all probability the French government won't allow it to fail.

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It has become a symbol of unity, defiance and appeasement.

After 7/7 there was "Not Afraid" I think Je Suis Charlie will now be in the history book long after the extremists have been forgotten.


I see the 3000,000 copies sold out so quickly they are running off another 2 million. If they sell out they will probably print even more.


Poor Old Mo. He won't like it.

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As above, If it wasn't for the attack the company would have gone under and the muslims problem would have been solved. Instead these murdering fools have made it an institution with 3 million copies sold. Looking for a copy too but not paying auction prices.

Edited by SportsTrophy
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