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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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Yesterday, you appeared to understand


Today, you do not...


So where did you lose the meaning, oh moody one


I can see what you are getting at, but you are failing to explain beyond the most superficial level. For instance, you don't seem to grasp that by defining God in your own way, it becomes a man made creation, just as much as the Abrahamic one, though less popular.

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I can see what you are getting at, but you are failing to explain beyond the most superficial level. For instance, you don't seem to grasp that by defining God in your own way, it becomes a man made creation, just as much as the Abrahamic one, though less popular.


What would you like me to explain on a deeper level Charmer?


And if you stop being so patronising, perhaps we'll get further

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Does God get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders, murderers and people who do awful things during their lives


He must think "oh no here comes another one" as he has done for 1000s of years.


If I was god and another murderer asked for forgiveness I'd be saying


-"why should I forgive you and where was your compassion and forgiveness while you were murdering your victim?"


The murderers would say "well I'm a changed person"


I'd say "the victim is a changed person as they are now dead (or have horrific injuries). The fact is your getting old and you are a couple of years away from death so you are thinking "I may end up going to hell"


I'd then say "take some responsibility"


Surely at some point god has to take a stand?


If I was god I'd be sick of having to spend an eternity with murderers and sex offenders.


What about the victims? if they've gone to heaven too won't they be squabbling and arguing for eternity? murderer and victim arguing


So surely would make sense to send the wrongdoers to hell?


Assuming of course that there is a someone/somebody to hold them accountable for their deeds and even gives a monkeys about us earth bound mortals :D

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