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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I was on holiday in Corfu...just went to the bar to get another beer, and saw CNN "America under Attack" from a plane, and wondered where the hell could it have taken off from.....


Saw the second one fly into the tower LIVE, and stood watching in silence for most of the afternoon.


Each time I go to Greece something significant happens!


1989: Corfu & the Marchioness is hit by a barge on the Thames and sinksand 51 people die.


1997: Whilst in Paris, a slightly squiffy chauffer attempts to prove his car is harder than concrete, and fails miserably (3 die, one of them causing Elton John to re-release Candle In The Wind - TRAGEDY!!)


2001: 9/11


You'll be pleased to know I'm going to Italy this year (and Germany :D )

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I was at work with a mate of mine who had been to New York the previous year. It was a strange feeling for him knowing he had stood as tourist on the same buildings that were collasping

I felt the same. I went to New York in 1999 and actually stayed in the Millenium Hilton hotel which is literally across the street from the twin towers and was destroyed in the disaster. The irony was that I never actually went up the twin towers. I went to go up on my last night in NY but it was late and the guy at reception said that by the time I got to the top, I'd have to come back down again. "Oh well, I thought. I'll go next time I come here". Little did I know that there wouldn't be a next time.


I also told the guys I worked with that unless you had seen how big they were with your own eyes then you couldn't comprehend the devastation caused by them coming down. A truly horrific day......

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I remember coming back from Uni, seeing one of my housemates who was being quieter than usual and he told me why. I put TV on and it was surreal. I phoned home and my family were also watching the news.

I felt like we were going to have WW3.

I also remember that it prompted my then boyfriend and I to move in together. We went househunting a few days after thinking "life's too short to wonder whether it's too early to move in together."

We're now married.

Sorry I'm changing topic...

So yeah I remember that day perfectly and the horror I felt when I saw the news.

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I was working in Leeds on a Money Laundering compliance project.


One of our project managers came in and said that there'd been a dreadful accident in New York. We started watching and the second aircraft went in. My wife rang me at work - there was general disbelief all around and confusion as to what had happened.


I have to say that as we were in a fairly prominent building in Leeds, we were a little nervous whenever an aircraft flew over for the next few days.

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