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Rotherham Children sexually exploited

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This is still happening. Young girls in care in Sheffield are being trafficked to Bradford. I know a family who's daughter went into care and it happened to her. Since then I have noted that there are regular reports in the Star of girls going missing from care in Sheffield and they are always found in Bradford.


Sheffield council have been very quiet on this. If it's happening in Rotherham then you can bet your life that it's also happening in Sheffield as they are so close and frequented by a lot of the same kind of people.

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Sheffield council have been very quiet on this. If it's happening in Rotherham then you can bet your life that it's also happening in Sheffield as they are so close and frequented by a lot of the same kind of people.


Indeed. I wonder if we will having similar debates about Sheffield. As I posted in an earlier thread, one of the parents of the victims said she would be regularly found in parks and in Sheffield.

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Happened to see a link to a story on the Star website.





There seemed to be no way out. “They threatened to gang-rape my mother, to kill my brother and to firebomb my house,” Lucy said.


Once, she said, when they thought she might go to the police, a man with gold teeth whom she had never seen before dragged her into his car, a dark-green Honda with left-side drive, and put a gun to her head: “On the count of three you’re dead,” she said he told her. He pulled the trigger on three, but nothing happened. “Keep your mouth shut,” he said. “Next time there will be a bullet inside.”


I hadn't realised that the threats were so terrible. These threats should be added to the charges too.

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The Times has today reported allegations that Wright was aware of the issues years ago, when he was cabinet member for children and young people. The article is behind The Times' paywall so I can't link to it, but hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by posting a flavour of it here:


A sex-grooming victim has told The Times of her outrage at Mr Wright’s professed ignorance, in former years, of the scale and severity of such offending.

She said that more than eight years ago she and other survivors of such abuse gave him a detailed, face-to-face account of multiple crimes committed against them when they were children.

“He seemed genuinely shocked. He talked like he was going to go away and see that something was done, but we never saw him again. It was the end of it for him, but not for us.

“I sat two feet from him and told him really, really private things. I don’t know how he can go on national television and say he wasn’t aware, that he didn’t know anything about it. For years they had all the reports and information, but they just ignored it.”

An independent inquiry found that at least 1,400 Rotherham children were sexually exploited from 1997 to 2013, largely by men of Pakistani origin. It criticised police and council officials for suppressing and ignoring detailed evidence of abuse.

Mr Wright, South Yorkshire’s police and crime commissioner, recently voiced regret that he “wasn’t more aware of the issue at the time”. He said that “if I knew then what I know now, then clearly more could have been done”.

It is understood that soon after he became the local authority’s lead member for children’s services in 2005, Mr Wright was invited to meet a group of young women who as children had suffered violent abuse. He is said to have listened to their stories during a function at the offices of a Rotherham youth project that worked closely with victims of child sexual exploitation.

Mr Wright told the Commons home affairs select committee in written evidence last year that during his council years he did not meet any sex-grooming victims to learn of their experiences. Though he met many vulnerable young people, he “was not informed of individual circumstances”.

He told MPs: “I do not believe it would have been appropriate for me to request to meet victims of child sexual exploitation as this would have been an invasion of privacy of these vulnerable victims.”

Asked about the function at the youth project, Mr Wright told The Times: “I do not recall the meeting.” He modified his earlier statement to MPs, saying yesterday that he did not “recall” being informed of the individual circumstances of abused Rotherham children.

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