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Niche R.I.P


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Posted By Chris Bailey (Niche Manager)


Never thought i'd have to say this but i'm afraid Niche is no more. We have been to court today to have the ASBO lifted but this was only allowed upon surrender of the licence and personal undertakings signed by myself and the other owners not to apply for any occasional licence or put anyone else up to apply for one. The opposition from the police to Niche was so fierce that we have had to bow to the inevitable and call it a day, a victory for the forces of law & order?


So that's it, I have worked for Niche for 10 years and it's been the most amazing time of my life, a fantastic privelige to have been involved in a clubbing legend. Niche was a one off that went its own way and did its own thing and the people who appreciated it were rewarded with times and experiences that they will never forget, the music, the people. the characters and the vibe were something special and I like many people will be proud to be able to say in years to come that I was there. Everybody will have their own memories of Niche Nightclub, take a moment to reflect on them and mourn the end of a clubland icon.


Finally my thanks to all the staff who worked their balls off for the club and most of them would have gladly paid us to be allowed to work there, their loyalty was one of the things that I will take a lot of pride from, and very finally to the customers whose support has been fantastic both in good times and bad. Thank you to everyone who sent letters and emails on our behalf, you made the place what it was, the most incredible, bizzare, mad, brilliant nightclub that you could wish for.




Chris Bailey (Niche)

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R.I.P. indeed.

For all Niche wasnt my kind of club I do mourn it's passing. The clubbing scene in Sheffield is pretty dire at the best of times and with the closure of Niche it is only gonna get worse. There are precious few venues and with the closure of niche the variety and diversity of the sheffield scene is only gonna decline further.

I salute you Malton for all the hard work you must have put in to the sheffield scene for the last decade. Good effort fella!

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Have to agree. I didn't really like the music, and only ever went there a handful of times, but I had a laugh and I know there will be a load of people who will miss Niche.


Too many venues in Sheffield are closing, what's going on?

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its a real shame to have a well known club thats known throughout the country close, the law has alot to do with it and unfortunately they have the strength to do this, many clubs in the city centre are under pressure why cant sheffield be like other cities as notts,manchester,birmingham,london,leeds have a fantastic club scene, sheffields becomming dry and boring.

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Somebody else will open a club to replace it. Probably in the same building :rolleyes:


Niche brought about its own downfall unfortunately. I never went and cannot comment on what it was really like, but I have spoken to regular clubbers who say that they stopped going due to certain 'elements' who were allowed in.

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although i havnt been to niche for the past 4 years ,i used to spend every weekend in there for about 2 solid years!! its a shame that a place that had such a powerful impact within the scene has had to come to an end!! but i hope all involved look at it as having had the best years instead of looking at how it has ended. at least the place had achieved many successful years and will always be talked about in many years to come, it will never be forgotten:thumbsup:

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I never did get to Niche .. sounds like you have gathered an armful of memories though !


Let's acknowledge the fact that there are "elements" in most clubs and IF this is the reason that Niche is now not allowed to re open, then this could happen t any club !

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oh dear how sad mayby if you had tried harder to keep the pushers and idots who left drugged up and made peoples lifes s*it out of the place then this would not have happend still no doubt kingdom will follow



There are always drugs in every single club. Nowhere is free from drugs.


Niche will be missed. It was my favourite Sheffield club. The sheffield scene is going down the pan.

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