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Ale house fraser road


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I think they have a members only thing at the weekend at the moment but not during the week. Very good beer at an unbeatable price. Great to have a 'free of tie' pub that is doing well IMHO.


Only reason he doesn't have one in the week is because he's not open.The man is a law unto himself.I seem to recall you recommended this pub before it had even opened,jemson!Some of the comments on this thread really do uphold the theory that the majority of 'real ale drinkers'are really beer snobs!:suspect:


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 11:32 ----------


I can't fault the landlord, if he owns the pub then he has the final say who he wants in it. Having a rowdy group in at weekends may not be the type of customer he wants to attract.

I have had 2 uncles who were landlords, and one of them had his jaw broken for the third time when he was 63 and I bet if he could have picked who he wanted in and who he didn't he would have.

I know in the past youths & footsie fans have come up from Laycocks working men's club to The Ale House and been rowdy as they stopped off on their way to continue drinking at Woodseats

I think the card schemes a good idea it means his regulars get a drink in a pleasant atmosphere on a weekend night.


Laycocks sports club is a private club,not a working mens club thanks!;)

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I will openly admit that I am a beer snob, I don't think I'm better than anybody else I just don't want to drink bland tasteless beer served in questionable surroundings with questionable people! I'm sure Jemson will agree.


So is this what 'The Mash' all boils down to (real ale pun)what it seems your after is segregation one pub for 'them' and ours for 'us'at least we know where the line is drawn.:confused:


PS. are you the landlord of the 'Ale House':gag:


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 23:26 ----------


It's a fantastic pub, great Ales, and other drinks. Really good food and a very friendly atmosphere no doubt due to the landlord not letting any old scroat in. It's my local and as a woman feel quite happy going in there on my own to meet up with friends.


Don't really want to diss you as you are an owls fan, but your comments regarding 'any old scroat'could be interpreted,because you live in the pretty plush estate adjacent to the ale house it seems you want to keep the common folk out or 'In their Place M'lard':roll:

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I'm a proud beer snob too but I prefer 'discerning beer drinker'. What's the point in paying for substandard stuff when there are so many good beers around, often cheaper than rubbish, popular varieties?


I don't think I'm better than anybody else but I want drink that's better than anything else. I can't understand why anyone wouldn't. Is it a matter of self esteem?

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Really? which parts of the Fraser estate are "plush" ?


The Periwood Part.:hihi:


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 18:40 ----------


No i'm not the landlord of the ale house, I've been in and like it in there but to be honest I've not been in a while so probably wouldn't be welcome under the new scheme.


This really is the whole point of this thread.Is the owner of the ale house within his rights as a public servant to withdraw this service to the public and change the conditions of a public house,effectively turning it into a private club through the use of membership cards.!:confused:

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I' m also a beer snob, I guess. I struggle to drink stuff that does not taste good.


I go to The Ale House maybe once a month and I'm pretty sure that the membership thing only applies at the weekend. And FYI some of the regulars also frequent Laycocks.

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Laycocks sports club is a private club,not a working mens club thanks!


Ooh sorry,

me thinks you are more put out that you haven't been invited to join the Ale House (Private Weekend ) club.


Private Club or Working men's club, sentiment the same, if the landlord doesn't want people who aren't regulars in the pub that he owns, he is within his rights to not serve them by whatever means ( barring, or having a card).


He owns it, he can do what he wants.

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