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  1. True I’d not even thought of that. 🥴
  2. Well they can still see the photos that were used when we bought the house. Just have to go to Right Moves Sold Prices and it’s all there. I too think most don’t ask for permission if like us we were totally unaware we had to get their agreement. We just thought you paid a nominal yearly fee (£6:50 in our case) and that was all.
  3. Purchased our house over 10yrs years ago, not having lived in a leasehold house before we were unaware we had to ask permission to do major alterations I:e knock walls down, new windows & doors etc. If we decided to purchase the freehold reversion ( I think that’s its name) would they send somebody around to check the house for such alterations, if they did would we possibly have to pay them large sums of money? For the past 5years the yearly fee hasn’t been paid as the solicitors we used to pay it to said they weren’t doing it anymore and we would hear from the owner of the lease/freehold reversion in due course, we haven’t. There’s over 700 years left to run , don’t know if that makes any difference. thanks in anticipation
  4. This building application has until June 21 to run to so nothing has been “officially “ passed. However finding and accessing the comments page is difficult so I fear many will not be able raise their support or objections until its too late so should you wish to comment on this development stating your reasons why, use this link which will take you to the main page https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/planning-development/search-view-comment Then enter of these either of these S8 7RH or Planning Application 24/00884/FUL to search for the relevant page. You will have to be registered or on the planning portal to do this.
  5. I knew about it but was unable to attend, however they do have a survey for people to air there thoughts on this development. Make your views known. Here’s the link https://bit.ly/meadowhead2
  6. public meeting tonight regarding these proposals, 7th March at 6pm at Meadowhead School. Just a heads up re this proposed development.
  7. Its from the clapping song by Shirley Ellis
  8. I’ve used this for a cheese flan recipe http://www.schoolrecipes.co.uk/index.php/school-dinner-recipes.html
  9. My great grandmother Erby Goodison lived at the bottom end of Gleadless Road where the new units are down from Sheaf View pub.
  10. There is a new survey online. Make your views known. Here’s the link https://bit.ly/meadowhead2 cant see a date for when it’s ending.
  11. Where can I find the survey , I’ve looked online but can’t find anything. I did however find this “ the council are having a meeting where this proposed development will be discussed. They hope to have Highways and Planning officers, and representatives from Sheffield FC and Sheffield Eagles, at the next South Local Area Committee this public meeting is to answer questions from the public and local councillors. This public meeting will be held on the 7th March at 6pm at Meadowhead School. “
  12. At Planner 1,Yes I do know how to use the quote but I didn’t want the irrelevant waffle in between. What is the point of double yellow lines if they aren’t patrolled ? as the matches would be played at weekends and evenings this is when the parking enforcers don’t work. Pointless waste of money. When the original survey was undertaken which the result was 50/50 I believe,I’m pretty sure it did not include Sheffield Eagles also using the ground. Maybe a new survey is needed . Speaking to people living in the area surrounding the proposed new football stadium some have lived here for many many years and they do not want this. The residents fear that should this go ahead that there will be very little respite from the noise and the light pollution that they will no doubt be on the receiving end of. The transport club has had many many complaints in the past about noise and this development would generate noise on a much more regular louder basis. As mentioned previously by another forumer the local people have purchased their houses in what they have always known to be primarily a residential area , unlike the people who bought their houses near Sheffield United or Sheffield Wednesday grounds as they know before they purchase what to expect every other weekend when it is the football season. For the people of Greenhill this could be almost every weekend and evenings should the rugby & concerts get the go ahead. At the moment I believe the Eagles are in the Championship league, but if they get back in the super league the club would expect to get many , many more fans at each game. How many would drive there? It would be very naive to not expect fans from the other side of town to use their car, why would you go for possibly over an hours ride on a bus if you have a car? Plus the away fans would come by car & coach. If this were to go ahead I feel like the people in the surrounding areas should get a reduction in the council tax also the developers should be made to put traffic lights on every exit on Meadowhead roundabout and for every household within a mile radius install triple glazing for noise control. Something better suited would probably go down well with the residents much better but I do not feel that this development is the correct one for the area .
  13. “If the problem only becomes apparent after the development comes into use, you can’t go back and make the developer pay for something else to fix it.” Meanwhile the residents have to put up with cars parked here there and everywhere because the developers put in too few parking spaces. “We put in some extra yellow lines to deal with parking in inappropriate locations.” And I have yet to see any parking services come and ticket any inconsiderately parked cars and they never come in the evening or at weekends, so putting double yellow lines down does not deter anyone. “The Arena has a capacity of 12,000 and has less than 1000 parking spaces. Seems to manage reasonably well.” Have you seen some of the surrounding streets when concerts etc are on , plenty of cars parked there and that’s with the super tram being nearby, regular and cheap.
  14. I’m sorry I thought you were . You see I moved to Norton 9 years ago, a nice quiet road then St James was built and although there is a large car park we get many many people parking on our road, and I can see from my house that the car parks are not full. So I can pretty much say that even if a large car park is built some people just do not like to sit in queues to exit and will park on residential roads for a quicker get away.
  15. Presumably the parking spaces you are referring to would be on the surrounding residential streets. This alone could lead to traffic snarl ups as driver find places to park,Planner1 previously said that “Sundays the quietest day of the week in traffic terms”, well obviously they’ve never gone to St James Retail Park at the weekend, it’s as bad on a Sunday as it is on a Saturday. But then they most likely do not live in the area, so they like others on this thread who live elsewhere think it’s a good thing. All it would do is make the traffic in this area worse than it currently is. For one thing the lovely grass verges that the area currently has would be churned up and become a muddy mess. If anyone has ever ventured into Dronfield on a match day you would see that the car park for the supporters gets full and the cars then park from the Coach & Horses pub all the way up to the carvery, creating traffic havoc. So tell me that this won’t happen should this development goes ahead, because I guarantee it would.
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