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Dordogne or Tuscany

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I live in Spain and the UK , I work in Spain, France ,Italy, Germany and UK .


These countries are in just the same situation as you get in the UK, it's just the same" Sh#t " different Language so unless you have a reasonable grasp of the language of the country of your choice you will find it hard and expensive to get anything done .

I wouldn't consider Spain at all, unless you can afford to never have to work again, it is possible the most racist and corrupt country in Europe, I'm openly verbally abused every week and the police will stop and fine you when driving when you've done nothing at all .


Living in a country is not like being on holiday ...you can't go to the local shops to by a book or newspaper unless you're in a big city ,what do you do in the winter no English cinemas ,theatre or the like you can soon become very insular ,and as for the expats you wouldn't want to spend time with most of them or they with you .

A holiday home is fine but to live there full time is certainly different ....Good luck with your venture.

I like Tuscany but if I had to choose it would be France.

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Found some properties for you piggers


Have a look at Tuscany Gardens, Barnsley, S70 3QH.


Might be out of the price range for a security guard though.


Thanks for the info old darling, I am actually wanting to adjust things so that I have a couple of mill in property, I am a bit worried that the stocks are a bit too stretched. Its nice to get something you can actually use don't you think?


Everything fine here at G4S.


PS Hows the window cleaning going?

Edited by Hillpig
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