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Online shopping and the rages it brings..

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As we're (eeek) getting ever closer to Dec and the Festering Season, I thought it might be useful to slag off any underperforming shop websites, so we don't ALL end up raging, like I was this morning.


Trying to order an XBox game for my laddie on Argos.. I used to love Argos, never had any problems. Lately? aarrgghh.. I completed all my details, including debit card number, and clicked on next. It popped back up with pink wording at the top to remind me to complete all details. I had.. did it again, it swiped my number but still wouldn't let me move on. And again.. etc., so I phoned customer services. They guy there "didn't know why it was doing that" and put me through to sales. Explained again to the woman on there, she asked if I wanted to order over the phone.. yes, ok.. So off we went again, gave her all the numbers & passwords (for argos) - twice.. had to spell them all out.


"That game is only online", she said. So she tried to log in as me, to order it online from that end. It wouldn't let her in.. she was apologetic, I was incandescent, as this has happened before. Gnash..


Changed my email address and re-registered with Argos. Ordered again. Same thing happened again (this is now taking all my morning up.)


I eventually ordered from Game, £2 more, but by that time I'd have possibly paid £100 more just to get the hell off the pc.. it's a wonder it didn't go through the window. No point trying to speak to a manager at Argos, btw - they pick the phone up and put it down again..


Yes, I COULD have ordered from amazon, but why is it taking them so LONG lately just to deliver a game or dvd? That drives me batty when you've a child waiting for said game..


Or, there's play.com.. the baby toy I ordered for my grand-daughter, and when delivered, her parents opened it and found a big (hopefully toy) GUN? Left them a couple of years before I tried again, for something else, this time, they emailed me and said my bank had declined the order. Cross! Rang bank to find out why. They hadn't! Play.com had never asked them for the cash!


Who would you recommend, and who would you never use again?

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As we're (eeek) getting ever closer to Dec and the Festering Season, I thought it might be useful to slag off any underperforming shop websites, so we don't ALL end up raging, like I was this morning.


Trying to order an XBox game for my laddie on Argos.. I used to love Argos, never had any problems. Lately? aarrgghh.. I completed all my details, including debit card number, and clicked on next. It popped back up with pink wording at the top to remind me to complete all details. I had.. did it again, it swiped my number but still wouldn't let me move on. And again.. etc., so I phoned customer services. They guy there "didn't know why it was doing that" and put me through to sales. Explained again to the woman on there, she asked if I wanted to order over the phone.. yes, ok.. So off we went again, gave her all the numbers & passwords (for argos) - twice.. had to spell them all out.


"That game is only online", she said. So she tried to log in as me, to order it online from that end. It wouldn't let her in.. she was apologetic, I was incandescent, as this has happened before. Gnash..


Changed my email address and re-registered with Argos. Ordered again. Same thing happened again (this is now taking all my morning up.)


I eventually ordered from Game, £2 more, but by that time I'd have possibly paid £100 more just to get the hell off the pc.. it's a wonder it didn't go through the window. No point trying to speak to a manager at Argos, btw - they pick the phone up and put it down again..


Yes, I COULD have ordered from amazon, but why is it taking them so LONG lately just to deliver a game or dvd? That drives me batty when you've a child waiting for said game..


Or, there's play.com.. the baby toy I ordered for my grand-daughter, and when delivered, her parents opened it and found a big (hopefully toy) GUN? Left them a couple of years before I tried again, for something else, this time, they emailed me and said my bank had declined the order. Cross! Rang bank to find out why. They hadn't! Play.com had never asked them for the cash!


Who would you recommend, and who would you never use again?



You must be doing it wrong.


Oh and teach your kid some patience.

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Well Play.com shutdown/re-branded/got sold after the tax hole it used got closed, so there's no wonder they're rubbish now.

Pixmania have been up for sale for ages as they're completely rubbish - but everyone knows it and no-one is interested in buying.

eBay is eBay - you take your chances and hope what you're buying turns up or isn't fake.


Really there's alot to be said for walking into a shop, handing over some money and getting the thing you want and a receipt.

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Oh well thank you, Supertramp and vague_boy - what helpful posts.

Do you know, I had forgotten why I stopped using this forum for quite a while, there are quite a few of you "wits" out there - ho ho, HIGHLY entertaining - NOT.


I had intended this to be a useful and fun post for anyone else planning their Christmas shopping, anyone with a life, that is, who has friends and family to buy for..


Rude know-it-alls.. dontcha just love 'em? :mad:

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Supertramp and Vague boy..Why be so glib about the OP ?

She was making a valid point, it IS infuriating having to deal with this sort of thing.

Before you start making assumptions, her child has a special needs disability and she lives quite far from shops and doesn't drive so it is not easy for her.

A little empathy goes a long way sometimes, we can't keep fuelling the world on bad attitudes.

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