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Going to court, Defending myself.

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Sorry. I didnt make myself clear. Its not a libel case its a car crash. Someone ran into me and are claiming it was the other way around. I have a reasonable understanding of what i have to do, and im researching more info as we speak but if anyone has been to court and defended themselves it wouyld be useful to hear a few experiences, anything that may be of use to me.

Thanks for your reply :)


edited post as seen you sorted it now.

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Just a thought...he says you hit him and you say he hit you.......what sort of proof do you have - were there any witnesses who have given statements...if there are then no probs.


DID YOU TAKE PHOTOS???? Most mobile phones now have cameras as standard...did you think to take clear and detailed photos of the position of the vehicles...the impact area before cars were moved and of the damage to both cars....if you had done this...the police, insurance will be able to work out whose fault it was with little problem. :)

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Just a thought...he says you hit him and you say he hit you.......what sort of proof do you have - were there any witnesses who have given statements...if there are then no probs.


No witnesses. But he corroborates the location of both vehicles before and after impact.

He said i was in the left lane (true) and he was in the right lane (also true)






No, sadly.


Most mobile phones now have cameras as standard...did you think to take clear and detailed photos of the position of the vehicles...the impact area before cars were moved and of the damage to both cars....if you had done this...the police, insurance will be able to work out whose fault it was with little problem. :)


The point of impact on my car along with the damage to his clearly shows who hit who, tie that wit the fact he admits i was in the left lane and he in the right theres little chance hes going to push the blame onto me.

His defence is weak and im confident of a result. :)

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I was in this position in June. The other driver came through lights on red and then told his insurers it was me who jumped the lights. I made an appeal on here for witnesses, but nobody responded. In the end the insurers agreed to go 50/50. I got a letter this week from my insurers to say that, so far, the other insurer hadn't settled and would I be prepared to appear in court. Obviously, I am, but I don't relish the prospect.

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No witnesses. But he corroborates the location of both vehicles before and after impact.

He said i was in the left lane (true) and he was in the right lane (also true)




No, sadly.




The point of impact on my car along with the damage to his clearly shows who hit who, tie that wit the fact he admits i was in the left lane and he in the right theres little chance hes going to push the blame onto me.

His defence is weak and im confident of a result. :)


You must let us know the result. Good Luck

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