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Tory councillor says Sir David Attenborough should kill himself

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i think we should all do our bit to educate people on over population, maybe we should get rid of healthcare and go back to the victorian era. The chinese did a good thing with the one child policy. UK ought to stop having children all together we are a plague on the earth, and some peoples children are evil but the parents are to blame and the government. Whats wrong with a child getting a slap? Nothing! Bring back National service, make all drug addicts sterile. Humanity has gone tits up!!!!!!

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I don't want to sound like the opening of Jerry Maguire but when I was a kid, the population of the world was 3 billion. The nearly 4 billion people who have been added since need food, fresh water and consume oil, gas, coal and other resources. As do the other 3 billion. Good job those things are infinite, right?



Thankfully billions of people don't consume anywhere near as much of these things, as we consume, when they start too we will have to cut back drastically, even then I don't think there will be enough for everyone even at our currant population.

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If Phil Taylor thinks that the global population can just keep on rising at it's current rate then he needs a good dose of bird flu.


And what a damp squib that particular pandemic turned out to be!

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Sir Richard should round up most dumb and slimy MP's and abandon them on his character's Jurassic Park island?


You've got the wrong Attenborough there....or were you joking?


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 21:36 ----------


If Phil Taylor thinks that the global population can just keep on rising at it's current rate then he needs a good dose of bird flu.


And what a damp squib that particular pandemic turned out to be!


He should stick to playing darts.

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Once again, a stupid ill thought tweet.


But *snipped for dramatic effect*.

No buts, he was out of order.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 21:54 ----------


human beings ARE a plague on this planet



I agree. A plague that should be contained.

Lets start by letting Africa fend for itself for a few generations and see what that does for over crowding of the planet?

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