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18 Month Old with a Problem


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My friend has an 18 month old that stops breathing when she gets up.


She has a sort of seizure and then comes around, but she can hurt herself when she falls over.


The doctor has said she doesn't have epilepsy, but it's not clear what's wrong pr what she DOES have.


She's asked for a referral but the doctor has refused.


Any comments? Anything that can be done?

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My thoughts would be that she should aim for prevention rather than cure. Perhaps she could try to identify the signs that the little one is starting to get worked up and intervene with some calming techniques- quiet room, peaceful music, distraction toys etc.


Teach the little one a song they can sing to calm themselves down, something like that.


Oops- I read it as 'gets worked up' instead of 'gets up'. Could it be a low blood pressure issue?

Edited by JessieH
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I don't think that any GP should diagnose or rule out epilepsy or any of the other similar conditions without further tests and some very serious history taking and the like. These things take a referral.


If your friend goes to their GP and a referral is still refused then I would ask for a reason in writing why they feel that this doesn't merit further investigation. The GP will be aware that if they have diagnosed something (or ruled it out) and denied a referral because of their own diagnosis, that leaves them rather vulnerable legally if the parent or patient has asked for a second opinion. Refusing a written reason is something I'd take up with the practice manager, but it should mean that the GP understands that you aren't prepared to just take their word for it that your child is fine with no real proof whether she has something serious or not.

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Has your friend filmed the child as 'proof' of what is happening? I not, I'd do that and take it back to the doctor. A gp can't just say 'it's not epilepsy' without further proof.

My daughter has just been hospitalised for seizures. She had one a year ago and had ct, EEG and MRI scans which came back inconclusive. However on Sunday she had another seizure lasting over an hour, throughout the ambulance ride to hospital and several doses of a rescue med. Luckily after last time we had an open appt with the neurologist so I'm waiting to see him again to find out what happens next.

I hope your friend gets some answers soon, yes it's possibly not epilepsy but it certainly needs investigating further.

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