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Some personal advice please: (No hurtful comments please)

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you must take time out to get over her,, spend time with friends and family, you sound a lovely fella , there will be someone out there just waiting to meet someone like you, , not enough men like you around, xxxxxxxxxxx

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From what you and your friend have said, that is not a relationship that can in any way be salvaged. She obviously doesn't care about you at all. It takes a certain amount of time to recover from something like that, and going through that pain is unavoidable, but you will recover. The longer you put it off the more you will have to go through. I know it is hard, but the best thing you can do is take it on the chin. Sever all ties. Delete her number. Then sooner or later you definitely will start recovering your enthusiasm for what life has to offer, but that process can't begin until you accept that it is over.

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