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Calling walkers in their 40s


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If you're planning to walk afternoons without the kids, what is stopping you from taking part in any of the walks already organised?

I'm sorry, but insisting that only forty something singles with kids can do afternoon walks with you is a very narrow criteria that even your target group are going to find off putting. What exactly are you trying/hoping to gain/achieve here?

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Oh you are amusing :D


Why don't you go the whole hog and insist people send you a cv, and follow up references before they are permitted to walk with you? I think it is you who is missing the point. Given how many people here would enjoy your proposal of an afternoon group walk with a good pub at the end of it, why are you adding in irrelevant criteria? You're just painting a picture of yourself as rather unsociable, so even if somebody might have passed your interview, they're unlikely to bother going to the effort of bothering with you

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