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Margaret Thatchers Funeral 17th April 2013

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Accept change and move on that's what they do .


As Thatcherism had a core intention to trade off growing unemployment against lower inflation, which meant, in turn, that full employment was simply not possible, how do you expect those who were scarificed, doomed to be part of the inevitably unemployed, to move on?

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So you have a local economy built around a large local employer. That large local employer pulls out an nothing replaces it. What next?


There are numerous examples from all over the world, not just Britain, where local economies collapse when this happens.


Serious question. What do the people of such places do when generations have worked in the same workplace, where the whole local economy is tuned to it, and then it's just gone?


It seems they sit around in social clubs and blame the easiest target.


Others, though, do something about it. They try to make a difference.

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Would you like some facts and figures regarding the debts the Tories inherited from the previous Labour government , shall we start another thread ?

There is a reason Labour were trounced in the last election .

For the record I'm not a Tory but please don't bury your head in the sand regarding Blair/ Brown and there ruining of our country .


Why would you assume that I support Labour? I was simply pointing out your own spin that ignored the poor economic performance of the coalition.

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I find it encouraging that the people of Goldthorpe can come together, as a community, to celebrate the death of a person who left office two decades ago.


They can show passion, enthusiasm, energy and determination to ensure Mrs Thatcher's death is shown the respect and reverence they feel she deserves.


And yet, for the past two decades, they have failed to do anything about the place they live in; failed to show any passion, enthusiasm, energy or determination to change things for the better. They have simply stood by and watched as it fell apart, constantly and consistently blaming Mrs Thatcher.


She may or may not be responsible for the problems of their town, but unlike Mrs Thatcher, none of the residents of Goldthorpe appear to have done anything about it - apart from pointing their finger in her direction.


Well, you have danced upon her grave and shown the world what you are, but what have you done in 20 years to make a difference?


Moan, point fingers and drink yer ale.


Imagine how much improvement there might have been if any of that passion to criticise or blame others had been directed elsewhere.


Perhaps tomorrow, when you wake up with a thick head and thicker heads, you might realise that the State is not going to come to your rescue and make it better again; you have to do it yourself.


Then again, it's so much easier to point a finger and blame someone else, especially someone who can no longer defend themself.


I don't live in Goldthorpe. I live at Beauchief. And I have a well paid job in the private sector that I'll be getting up at 6.30am to go and do, with no thick head :)

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I find it encouraging that the people of Goldthorpe can come together, as a community, to celebrate the death of a person who left office two decades ago.


They can show passion, enthusiasm, energy and determination to ensure Mrs Thatcher's death is shown the respect and reverence they feel she deserves.


And yet, for the past two decades, they have failed to do anything about the place they live in; failed to show any passion, enthusiasm, energy or determination to change things for the better. They have simply stood by and watched as it fell apart, constantly and consistently blaming Mrs Thatcher.


She may or may not be responsible for the problems of their town, but unlike Mrs Thatcher, none of the residents of Goldthorpe appear to have done anything about it - apart from pointing their finger in her direction.


Well, you have danced upon her grave and shown the world what you are, but what have you done in 20 years to make a difference?


Moan, point fingers and drink yer ale.


Imagine how much improvement there might have been if any of that passion to criticise or blame others had been directed elsewhere.


Perhaps tomorrow, when you wake up with a thick head and thicker heads, you might realise that the State is not going to come to your rescue and make it better again; you have to do it yourself.


Then again, it's so much easier to point a finger and blame someone else, especially someone who can no longer defend themself.


Absolutely outstanding post! Like button!

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So you have a local economy built around a large local employer. That large local employer pulls out an nothing replaces it. What next?


There are numerous examples from all over the world, not just Britain, where local economies collapse when this happens.


Serious question. What do the people of such places do when generations have worked in the same workplace, where the whole local economy is tuned to it, and then it's just gone?


Past governments have dumped millions in. Yorkshire forward, coalfield regeneration trust - they've all fallen over themselves to dish out cash. Factories, or more likely warehousing and distribution centres have been thrown up all over the place - half of them are staffed by poles !!!!! It's only recently universities have started charging fees - when some of the pits shut you could have got a grant !!!!!


Some places have picked up, others haven't. I don't know why, but after 30 years it's difficult not to think they are happy in their own misery. Parish/town council influence maybe ?

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So you have a local economy built around a large local employer. That large local employer pulls out an nothing replaces it. What next?


There are numerous examples from all over the world, not just Britain, where local economies collapse when this happens.


Serious question. What do the people of such places do when generations have worked in the same workplace, where the whole local economy is tuned to it, and then it's just gone?


Not only that, but many people in those areas were blamed for their unemployment.

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I find it encouraging that the people of Goldthorpe can come together, as a community, to celebrate the death of a person who left office two decades ago.


They can show passion, enthusiasm, energy and determination to ensure Mrs Thatcher's death is shown the respect and reverence they feel she deserves.


And yet, for the past two decades, they have failed to do anything about the place they live in; failed to show any passion, enthusiasm, energy or determination to change things for the better. They have simply stood by and watched as it fell apart, constantly and consistently blaming Mrs Thatcher.


She may or may not be responsible for the problems of their town, but unlike Mrs Thatcher, none of the residents of Goldthorpe appear to have done anything about it - apart from pointing their finger in her direction.


Well, you have danced upon her grave and shown the world what you are, but what have you done in 20 years to make a difference?


Moan, point fingers and drink yer ale.


Imagine how much improvement there might have been if any of that passion to criticise or blame others had been directed elsewhere.


Perhaps tomorrow, when you wake up with a thick head and thicker heads, you might realise that the State is not going to come to your rescue and make it better again; you have to do it yourself.


Then again, it's so much easier to point a finger and blame someone else, especially someone who can no longer defend themself.


The 'state' came to the rescue of the robbing bankers well enough.

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