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New rules Scc housing- One beds

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As anyone else had one of those letter from the council today saying that it is now policy to allocate one bed properties to only single people or couples. and that from now on only under exceptional circumstances will two beds be given to them.

Surely one beds should only be given to single people, if they want to free up the 6000 homes where the bedroom tax is now in force. what chance have people got now of evading the bedroom tax?...None by the sounds of it.

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I got mine today,im on housing waiting list still.but theres obviously a shortage of one bedroom properties in sheffield,so single/couples are never going to be offered one if others have to down size.


What do you mean 'obviously'? 1 bedrooms are more abundant than 2 and 3 bedroom houses.

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Originally Posted by leviathan13


What do you mean 'obviously'? 1 bedrooms are more abundant than 2 and 3 bedroom houses.


not when couples have to down size from 2 bedroom to one bedroom. well thats my thinking anyway.


But they don't ALL HAVE to... If its a couple who don't claim housing benefits they won't be thinking about moving, the majority of families don't underoccupy their house, people who work and are on a low income and get benefit might be very willing to cover the shortfall themselves (My mum is, for example. Shes got a problem with them saying shes underoccupied by 2 rather than 1 bedrooms at the minute tho, which shes not!)

I don't think quite as many people are going to be flocking to 1 bed properties as it first seems. Remember this is only for HB claimants, who under occupy a council home. Pensioners are exempt as well, and I'd guess they make up a fair percentage of under occupied homes at the moment.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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As anyone else had one of those letter from the council today saying that it is now policy to allocate one bed properties to only single people or couples. and that from now on only under exceptional circumstances will two beds be given to them.

Surely one beds should only be given to single people, if they want to free up the 6000 homes where the bedroom tax is now in force. what chance have people got now of evading the bedroom tax?...None by the sounds of it.


Yes, I've had one. It means if my OH and I want to move into council housing, we can only have a one bedroomed property. Bang go my plans to sell our house and get a nice bungalow at a cheap rent! :rolleyes: Like lots of other people in Sheffield, we're swelling the housing register. No plans to move, but we have our names down anyway. Just in case.


Unlike places such as Barnsley, Sheffield has hardly any council bungalows. That is one of the reasons why so many elderly people haven't downsized. A friend's elderly ma in law has a lovely two bedroomed bungalow in Barnsley, and now her dad's been offered a similar one, even though he's a home owner. It just couldn't happen in Sheffield!

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What do you mean 'obviously'? 1 bedrooms are more abundant than 2 and 3 bedroom houses.


Well i wish they would offer me one! its been 18 months or more and i still have a two bed.

one beds are like gold dust theses days

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Yes, I've had one. It means if my OH and I want to move into council housing, we can only have a one bedroomed property. Bang go my plans to sell our house and get a nice bungalow at a cheap rent! :rolleyes: Like lots of other people in Sheffield, we're swelling the housing register. No plans to move, but we have our names down anyway. Just in case.


Unlike places such as Barnsley, Sheffield has hardly any council bungalows. That is one of the reasons why so many elderly people haven't downsized. A friend's elderly ma in law has a lovely two bedroomed bungalow in Barnsley, and now her dad's been offered a similar one, even though he's a home owner. It just couldn't happen in Sheffield!


Am I reading this correctly, you mean you can you OWN a home and still be OFFERED council accommodation? No wonder there's a long waiting list.

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If you own your own home you should not be allowed on housing list

REMEMBER! council housing was supposed to be for desperate people to get a short term home until they managed to save for the one they want... people talk like its a right to have a house loaned to them and then don't understand when they realise it isn't theirs

i think i know where the term "scroungers" is coming from and it's not people who are genuinely desperate or in need it's the ones who wanna make a quick buck at others expense!

oh and i own my own home, no HB or council to answer to and there are 5 of us in a 2 bed house so it's do-able ;)

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