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Hadfield pub tonight sat,2nd march


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Its good to see someone trying to get this pub up and running again!! I will be there for sure! What a good night the last one was!! If you are local and dont want it turning into a sainsburys then vote with your feet and call in for a pint! Save our local pubs!!

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the SFL (ska'd for life) DJ's will be banging out some old time ska tunes from 8pm till late,if its owt like the last one a good night shall be had by all...





The last one must have pulled all of a dozen people in judging by the numbers when I've been past.


Whoever runs the Hadfield these days must be very confused as to how to make the pub pay if a loud disco is the best can come up with.

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The last one must have pulled all of a dozen people in judging by the numbers when I've been past.


Whoever runs the Hadfield these days must be very confused as to how to make the pub pay if a loud disco is the best can come up with.


You are getting mixed up here, the last ska do i was at had around 80 people in maybe more, you shouldnt comment on something if you as you say you went past! It was a cracking night and im sure the next will be. But if you're wanting a sainsburys building keep walking past! Support the pubs don't knock them!!


---------- Post added 02-03-2013 at 10:52 ----------


Its not just the hadfield thats struggling the star and garter and springvale dont get the locals in like they used to! 3 decent pubs on that stretch that need the support or they will all go down! Then you can all complain about why local pubs failed!!

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You are getting mixed up here, the last ska do i was at had around 80 people in maybe more, you shouldnt comment on something if you as you say you went past! It was a cracking night and im sure the next will be. But if you're wanting a sainsburys building keep walking past! Support the pubs don't knock them!!


Perhaps you should concentrate more on getting back a regular 80 a night (well less than in it's heyday a few years ago) rather than one off events. Like I've said on the other thread - get the place well lit for a start - you can't tell the pubs open until you're ten yards away from it. The pub sign hasn't even been lit up. Sort the outside ashtrays out, they're half hanging off the wall. It looks like a dingy dump.


I spent the best part of ten years as a regular at the Hadfield and would love to see it thriving - but the last few managers haven't even done the basics of keeping it bright and clean.

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I wonder if too many pubs aren't clutching at some outdated formula


Sometimes, people want to go to a pub to talk, joke, have a laugh and make their own entertainment rather than to "be entertained"


Looking at the Hadfield schedule, it seems very weighted to the DJ/Karaoke thing. Karaoke is a bit old hat now, the novelty of enduring the pain of listening to someone who in their drunken state thinks that they ARE Morton Harket, hunting high and low but failing to actually hit anything resembling a note, has long worn off.


Good beer, or if you can't have good beer, at least well-kept beer is the starting point.


Cheap bottles and karaoke - well, sainsburys and x-factor was mentioned and it's not that different is it?

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I heard it was trouble between blades and owls firms that finished it last time! Yeh mr Qs killed the community pub there but i guess its hard to get a dead pub on its feet but a night full on a saturday is better than pub thats closed down! It needs the student crowd back but even the springvale is qiuet on a saturday at 8pm and a sunday and they have drinks promos!!!

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Beleive me, most pubs are struggling now.

I have been in the trade for over 30 years now, and I have never known it to be this bad.


If it carries on the way it is, 10 years from now, we will all be sat in a Wetherspoons or Lloyds on a saturday night as there will be nowhere else to go...

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