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Russia becomes the latest to impose a smoking ban in public places!

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Putin signs law banning smoking in public in Russia




Smoking in public places will be banned in Russia after President Vladimir Putin signed a tough new bill into law.


Under the new legislation, smoking in restaurants, long-distance trains and housing block entrance halls will be illegal.


The government has made reducing smoking one of the cornerstones of its bid to improve public health.


Russia has one of the highest smoking rates in the world, with more than four in 10 Russians considered smokers.


Parliament passed the bill earlier in February, with only one deputy in the State Duma voting against the legislation.


The law "On protecting the health of citizens from the danger of passive smoking and the consequences of the use of tobacco" will come into force in stages, beginning on 1 June.


On that date, smoking will be banned within 15m of entrances to stations, airports, metro stations and ports; in workplaces; in entrances to apartment blocks; and in children's playgrounds and on beaches.


Exactly one year later, smoking will be banned on long-distance trains and ships; in hotels; in restaurants, bars, cafes, shops and markets; and on suburban railway platforms.


Under the bill, a minimum retail price will be introduced for tobacco and its sale and advertising will be restricted.


It seems even the Russians have cottoned on to the health hazards of passive smoking.

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True. A backward nation clinging on to a backward habit. 40% of adults there are still stupid enough to smoke.


Can I ask what your problem with Russians is?

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I was in St Petersburg last year when temperatures went down to between minus 20 and minus 30 at night. It's all very well nipping out the back of the Queen Vic for a quick drag, but I bet they'll think twice about doing the same at the Kerschev's Arms. :hihi::hihi:

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True. A backward nation clinging on to a backward habit. 40% of adults there are still stupid enough to smoke.


I don't get it? Are you happy that Russia is banning smoking or are you saying they are a backward nation? What's the % of adults that smoke got to do with it?


Some people like smoking, get over it!


---------- Post added 25-02-2013 at 13:35 ----------


Smoking needs to be banned in public all together. What's the use in banning it in train stations in UK for example, if you have to walk through a bunch of smokers at the entrance? You still end up stinking of fags like them.


I hate it when people gather the doors to smoke. But it's always where you find the ashtrays. You'd think they would put them out of the way somewhere.

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