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How/what is GKR karate?


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For 2 years I was GKR, after being offered a black and white belt, I felt uneasy and did some internet research, opened my mind and tried something else.


I saw the light.


With GKR it took 1 year to reach 7th Kyu, for the last year I personally refused to go to grading, as I cannot kick off one of my legs. My instructors could not fix this problem but encouraged me to grade anyway.


I still refused.


Another style fixed this problem in the first lesson.


I mean come on, they wanted me to instruct when I could not stand and balance on my left leg. Shocking


For anyone who's interested I was leaning back to far.


The comments about GKR being dangerous, oh yes it is, but only to the GKR student.


To all GKR out there, AIR DOES NOT FIGHT BACK!


And if you get into a dangerous situation RUN, RUN, RUN

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  • 2 weeks later...



Found your site when looking up GKR and thought I would add my experiences and warnings to anyone approached to work for GKR.


I signed up to GKR after the famous door knocking and at first enjoyed it as it got me out of the house and doing something.


Then it all went wrong.

I was approached by my Instructor and asked to attend a different class, which was by invitation only, run by the Regional Manager. On attending it turned out it was an assistant instructors course or Sempai course. Only being an orange tip made me feel uncomfortable and on my next grading I passed even though some of my blocks and punches sucked.


The Sempai training lasted for 10 weeks and then there was an exam (multiple choice I think), after passing you were assigned to a class to assist the Sensei and became a Black & White belt. (I still felt uncomfortable as I was still only a 7th Kyu).


I was asked to go and work for GKR and had the presentation which was when I became suspect.


During the day you trained with the RM to achieve your black belt, on an evening you went door knocking to recruit more people. You were classed as self employed and the only money you received was the fee when people signed up, this money you kept. The only salary you receive is when you become a Regional Manager which was £24k plus bonuses depending on how many people trained.


This was when alarm bells rang. I asked how many new regions were there to be set up and was advised that all the regions were in place and the only time a region became available was when somebody left or moved on. I asked how often this happened and was told that it could take at least 2 years.


Needless to say I declined the job.


Also as a Sempai I attended senior class (instructors only classes) and was horrified to find that as an Instructor you only received your expenses: once you had passed all the necessary training, it also depended upon how many students you trained and it was also paid anually.(The instructor I was with received £100 expenses for the year).


After a major foot injury (I could not walk or train) I was told by the RM that I didn't have the commitment to GKR that he expected and I was asked to hand by Sempai belt back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a GKR 5th Kyu I feel compelled to respond to this thread. There is a lot of total nonsense being thrown about around here. Go Kan Ryu is a highly respected style for many reasons. Firstly, it has a great reliance upon stances and power generation from hip movement. This means that a lot of classes will seem repetitive, but this is the only way you learn. Other styles will attempt to teach techniques in a matter of weeks. It doesn't matter how good your technique is, it takes YEARS to achieve perfection.


Secondly, yes GKR is completely non-contact. Of course it is, we have small children in our classes. It is designed to appeal to all. I can assure you, though, that no GKR techniques lack power. Anybody who has been to a GKR tournament will know the true standard of our karateka. On my first tournament, one competitor misjudged a kick, consequently breaking someone's leg, whilst another blocked badly, and suffered four shattered fingers. Does that really strike you as a style lacking in power? These mistakes are rare, but of course they happen.


Thirdly, NAS is most certainly NOT operated by GKR, that is complete rubbish. We have a number of senior members on the board, as do other major styles. There are oversight procedures, and there is certainly no corruption involved. GKR does, however, invariably win the majority of medals.


Incidently, you should take the wikipedia entries with a pinch of salt, they are under sustained attack by organisations bitter toward GKR, and the belt ranking system on the wikipedia page is completely laughable. You would have to be training 5 times a week to do it as that suggests. Realistically, it takes 5 or 6 years MINIMUM to get a black belt. The only way to get one faster is to train as a Sensei. Trainee Senseis train very hard indeed, very regularly, with extremely high grades. They get very good, very fast.


If you want further proof that GKR is a serious style, consider our Katas. Bassai Dai has to be performed to a high standard to achieve 4th Kyu, and perfectly for 3rd Kyu. Most Shotokan variations do not even introduce this kata until Shodan-Ho.


Kancho Sullivan's grade was NOT 'done himself', but rather by Japanese masters. The only grade awarded by the club was his 7th Dan, and it was awarded after a length period of time by his very senior students, themselves 4th and 5th Dans. Believe me, there are few karateka better than Robert Sullivan in the world.


As for the door-to-door scheme, yes it might reasonably be criticised. I was subjected to the 'normally £80' trick myself. Full timers are NOT ALLOWED to do this. It is specifically prohibited, but they are operating on commission-based payment and unsurprisingly take advantage. The vast majority of GKR Senseis have nothing to do with the full-time scheme at all.


You'll find the the majority of the rumours about GKR were started by people who went on the Sensei Training Programme and couldn't hack it. There are certain elements of commercialisation which are a bit undesirable, but they are badly exaggerated, and GKR remains a traditional style of Karate.

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Kancho Sullivan's grade was NOT 'done himself', but rather by Japanese masters. The only grade awarded by the club was his 7th Dan, and it was awarded after a length period of time by his very senior students, themselves 4th and 5th Dans. Believe me, there are few karateka better than Robert Sullivan in the world.



Sullivan`s style is a joke, can you name these Japanese masters.He made the "style" up himself for pete`s sake. If GKR is so good why are there no Dojo`s in Japan the home of Karate, answer, they would be laughed out of town.Why does GKR never compete in any of the national open competions ? Why has there never been a GKR stylist in the GB, England or even any of the regional teams. YOU CANNOT HAVE A NO CONTACT MARTIAL ART. If you don`t like the idea of taking a knock, try knitting. We have children training too the only spar when ready and are then taught control.The only people who hold GKR in high regard are blindfolded GKR practitioners like yourself. The multi-style response on her should be a clue.

Don`t even mention the self defense aspect, with no contact you have no concept of distance and timing the two most important aspects of delivering any techniques, there is nothing in the GKR syllabus that is rellavent for a street situation you are giving housewives and families a dangerous false sense of security.

GKR`s place in martial arts is right next to Avon and Betterware.

As for Sullivan been one of the best in the world,:loopy: you really are taking the ****.

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Sullivan`s style is a joke, can you name these Japanese masters.He made the "style" up himself for pete`s sake. If GKR is so good why are there no Dojo`s in Japan the home of Karate, answer, they would be laughed out of town.Why does GKR never compete in any of the national open competions ? Why has there never been a GKR stylist in the GB, England or even any of the regional teams. YOU CANNOT HAVE A NO CONTACT MARTIAL ART. If you don`t like the idea of taking a knock, try knitting. We have children training too the only spar when ready and are then taught control.The only people who hold GKR in high regard are blindfolded GKR practitioners like yourself. The multi-style response on her should be a clue.

Don`t even mention the self defense aspect, with no contact you have no concept of distance and timing the two most important aspects of delivering any techniques, there is nothing in the GKR syllabus that is rellavent for a street situation you are giving housewives and families a dangerous false sense of security.

GKR`s place in martial arts is right next to Avon and Betterware.

As for Sullivan been one of the best in the world,:loopy: you really are taking the ****.



Could not have put it better myself.


I do have to say though, "Sullivan one of the best in the world"? You've not got a clue what out there, go to Japan, you'll find green belts better than him.

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Thou speakest utter twaddle. For pity's sake, how can you not have contact in karate? Karate was evolved for close quarter civilian combat between a trained karateka and an untrained assailant e.g. robber ( we'd say "mugger" nowadays). It should involve at least close quarter combat, upright grappling and groundwork, not as sophisticated as judo etc, but enough to get you on your feet a.s.a.p. If it doesn't involve any of these then it ain't original karate. Mr Sullivan "one of the best in the World" don't talk wet! Put your obvious enthusiasm to a better Martial Art endeavour, you deserve better.

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Saying stuff like 'it MUST be dangerous, look at these injuries people got in training!' is just bull, frankly. If you hurt your partner in training, that is a BAD thing.

Plus, in terms of dismantling people, I'll take Muay Thai over GKR any day. Why don't we see any MMA fighters using GKR/karate techniques?

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Saying stuff like 'it MUST be dangerous, look at these injuries people got in training!' is just bull, frankly. If you hurt your partner in training, that is a BAD thing.

Plus, in terms of dismantling people, I'll take Muay Thai over GKR any day. Why don't we see any MMA fighters using GKR/karate techniques?


What are you saying Carcass :P

You never gave AFK a mention :D Surely AFK beats GKR everytime :hihi:


On a serious note, sorry to hijack this thread but by reading your entries, I would personally go through with the majority. Thankfully i have never trained in GKR but I have come into contact with GKR Black belts and instructors and when ever they have trained in a Beginners class at AFK, the hardest thing has been to teach them to keep their guard up! Something I find easier to teach to an absolute beginner!!!

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I have to say much of what geezer68 said made sense to me and as I am currently training with GKR I feel I have a better viewpoint than many people here.


On a personal note I have been training with GKR for over a year and take my kids with me, they absolutely love it and I have to admit I do enjoy the exercise. The alarm bells started ringing at my last grading (7th kyu) when the RS announced that the senseis would be inviting students they thought good enough to start the sensei training programme. The Guy ended with "You should look at the invitation as an honour" which I read as "decline the offer at you peril". Sure enough 2 weeks later my sensei asked me and I said I would think about it (NO!!!!!) I later told a friend and ex sensei who informed me that the RS had instruced his branch instructors to ask ANY adult 7th KYU and above that had not already done the STP. Now I have ignored the request but the RS is going to contact me this week...wonder what I should say?


pzk89 if you need any more evidence that GKR is about money then think about the following: Have you every asked if you could grade before you did the magical required amount of lessons? I know for a fact that myself and kids are all ready for our next grading but there is no way we will be allowed. You may doubt this but how often do you, (as a 5th KYU you no doubt will have) see little kids with little or no ability gain 7th, 6th and even 5th kyu belts? I bet you have looked at them and shook your head. Just put to grading because of the number of classes and not skill and knowledge.



pzk89 you gave a reasoned approach to his argument but I have to take issue with many of these points:


  • Yes Gkr classes are repetitive and this is apparantly because it perfects what is taught but as a GKR student I looked through Karate books and thought- why dont we do that? In my opinion there is too much emphasis on perfecting the few strikes/blocks etc.

  • GKR as non contact? Well I have to take issue with this too; yes it is in front of the kiddies in the dojo, but it is quite different for the senseis and i can honestly say at one grading I saw a 3rd Kyu literally beaten up by the RS.

  • "The only way to get one (black belt) faster is to train as a Sensei. Trainee Senseis train very hard indeed, very regularly, with extremely high grades. They get very good, very fast." Dont make me laugh, it is common knowledge that people on the sensei training programme can only count the senior classes towards their next grade. One class i attend the sensei is a 6th kyu and she can count a maximum of 2 classes towards her next grade, i do three classes a week and will easily pass her- simple! It doesnt make any difference how many classes she does only the senior ones count.

  • "You'll find the the majority of the rumours about GKR were started by people who went on the Sensei Training Programme and couldn't hack it. There are certain elements of commercialisation which are a bit undesirable, but they are badly exaggerated, and GKR remains a traditional style of Karate."- What an absolute load of crap, tell me then why when I look down the line in class I see 4 people that used to be sensei? Come and talk to them! I have, and they all say the same thing and it certainly wasnt that they couldnt hack it, but that the whole GKR system is messed up, built around money and entertaining kids. The last class I attended one ex sensei hit the nail on the head. She said "look at all the parents sitting over there, they just dont have a clue what us adults have to put up with, they just think its all fun. They dont know about all the politics."


On the one had as I said my kids love it and I enjoy the exercise but I dont know if I want to be involved long term in a company (yes I said company) like GKR. It seems the only way to get to Black belt in this region is to be a a teenage girl (i'm neither) flirt with the RS (hmmmm... nah!) and be willing to be a sensei (again not gonna happen) so what are my chances? Any views are welcome on this!

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