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About Johnny_B

  • Birthday 26/04/1983

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Havin been in a couple of time to see what all the fus was a bout ive gotta say what a let down. the decor is rubbish, and as for the drink selection.. only red stripe on draft? whats that all about? QUOTE=jamesogt;4126656]It is on almost all city centre licensed venues, that they must employ door staff. How come the green room 100 yards away doesnt need them then? its more to do with the audience you aim at than anything. The Bowery is aimed at wanabes, that attracts idiots, hence they need doof staff so will not achieve the selective crowd they claim to be aimed at in anyway. It's going to be if not already is just another bar on the west st / dev street crawl to be avoided by those not wanting th meat market atmosphere.
  2. Ok then, You did not even get close to touching a nerve with me darling, I just could be bothered to point out your flawed thoughts about GKR as it has been covered time and time again on many many site around the world, go have a look for yourself, or maybe you don't quite like seeing that your wrong?? What's little bit man syndrome? I'll take a wild guess you meant 'big'. I most certainly do not have that, I'm more than happy with myself, my opinions, and feel I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. I'm, not going to go into what I have done, not much point, but my main art were shotokan, and respect was of the utmost importance, along with technique, from my experience of gkr (yes I have been and seen it) neither of these are thought properly at all. by the way i have also dabbled in BJJ and Muay thai.I have total respect for all martial arts, be they comabitve, exteral, internal, for relaxation or for show. GKr however is none of these. You seem like you have swallowed the gkr advertising hook line and sinker, nevermind most people realise it and leave after a while, maybe you will one day.. There have never been any mirrors in the dojo's I have trained in, nor is there were I go running outside, since they are the only forms of working out I do, you're wrong yet again love. and it's "Taekwondo" since you said you "I could careless" One more point "if you do want to get personal bring it on", never ever ever should someone from gkr say that.
  3. One of the many sheffield branches of your business, sorry, i mean classes. Hillsborough, the Walkley class to be precise. Any more questions? And yes there was a 15 year old, with a black and white belt on taking the class, while someone with a black belt on stood at the doorway sending texts.
  4. Oh dear, thats the point, I have watched GKR training, and (i use this word loosley)... "sparring". Therfore I know what I said is true. Come to thin of it calling yourselves martial artists in general is insulting, and why single out karate for mass missinterpretation, pick on another style as well You say you have used what you have been taught by GKR to defend yourself, aginst who a four year old, or a paper bag?
  5. My personal background is Shotokan, and I do have to agree here that Karate is a form of self defence, and can be used to good effect on the street if required, but only if taught properly. People like Dave Turton may disagree, but then agin poel like Terry O'Niell would disagree with him.. HOWEVER... Please do not in any way, shape, or form call yourself a karateka, you are not, and to say so is an insult to all PROPER KARATEKA! GKR is not karate, its a keep fit club that scams people into joining by using martial arts and karate as an advertising front. GKR is about as usefull in the real world as tap dancing.
  6. Could not have put it better myself. I do have to say though, "Sullivan one of the best in the world"? You've not got a clue what out there, go to Japan, you'll find green belts better than him.
  7. I have also been to look at one of their classes with a "highly graded instructor". To be brutally honest it was abysmal. When I asked about sparring the instructor (im using this word quite loosely) stated it was no contact, but was very keen to point out that he had broken someone's nose in a tournament, quite contradicting and shows a lack of control and respect for the rules if it was true. As for the obligatory "black and white" belted 15 year... Just a joke, no skill, or respect, if anything he was making even harder for people to learnt he rubbish they were trying to teach. He also seemed very closed minded, this seems to be common among the GKR'ers for some reason..
  8. If thats is the only style of martial arts you have personally experienced why not just watch another style somewhere else, better still go watch two, or three. Don't blindly believe what you are told about your style, after what you have read on here and on the internet in general you must be at least a little interested as to whether your style is what you have been told it is (in which case we are all talked rubbish), or there re some valid points in this thread which maybe would influence your thoughts / training. It wont cost you anything to find out..
  9. This style of Karate is so dangerous QUOTE] Thats the funniest thing ive heard in a long time.
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