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  1. I have heard GKR Peruvian(absolutely nothing to do with Brazil) Ju Jitsu might be next........or GKR-MMA...... I understand they are having trouble finding a way to grappling without actually touching each other(founder Rolls Brady of the Brady family is still working on this). Although the door knocking team is already being recruited, and measured up for the new lilac and green compulsory club kimono(only £289 + £34.50 for club badge).
  2. To be fair since becoming a Dad (6yrs ago)I have only trained casually,and of course I have taken begginers in small groups, the point I was making was that even at the peak of my training and holding a Dan grade, I didn`t feel I had the teaching experience to run my own club.
  3. Hi Stu, the main problem (of many) I have with GKR is mentioned in your post. You were teaching at 7th kyu, people were paying a training free to train with you (or at numerous other GKR clubs run by black and white belted instructors) when the could have been paying a lot less for much higher quality tuition. The main instructor at my club is a JKA second dan and is charging £3 for 90min class. I got my Shodan in`94 and would not feel comfortable charging for tuition.
  4. I see GKR a bit like a school bully, it tries to screw as much money out of the un-informed as possible, before they find out about real martial arts club training and fees.
  5. If GKR did use a "PINT" system, I would definately train there:thumbsup:
  6. What you have posted, we all know already. The big lie starts with the name of the sales team " Self Defence Consultant" what utter rubbish . It is a name designed to fool the public into believing that GKR can help them on the streets its a con and a very dangerous con, making people over confident. For example, Peter Consterdine 8th dan, former GB international and full contact fighter is one of the first to admit traditional martial arts have a very limited application on the streets. That is why he co-formed the British Combat association with Geoff Thompson. Any organisation that takes peoples money for a tuition by a orange belt is ripping people off.FACT Using Sheffield as an example, there are several 5th dan and above instructors in the city that charge less than GKR do per class. Anybody that think they have the ability to teach at that grade is wrong.FACT. You say you saw GKR as a way to do martial arts full time. Why not do it the way most club or school owners have....years of hard work !! The truth is among the main stream martial arts community GKR is a bad joke and treated with contempt. No amount of explanations will ever change that.
  7. I think you miss-read thread it reads looking for "A good Karate school in Sheffield". It doesn`t say looking for a " Really rubbish, rip-off, low standard of tuition by yellow belts in black and white belts and absolutely no contact or realism, Karate school" Happy to help.
  8. Finding a good club is not easy, in broad terms go and watch a few classes and use your gut instinct. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER enter into a long term contract or promises of black belts in two years at the cost of thousands of pounds. There are a lot of cowboys out there. Try and find out the clubs governing body (eg. KUGB. JKA. TAGB etc) and then look-up the governing body on the net. Hope this helps.
  9. We could have a competition to guess,free session for the winner My entry £25 per hour.
  10. I will say this again to make myself clear.... KARATE WITHOUT CONTACT IS NOT KARATE.. IT IS NOT A MARTIAL ART..... For Pete`s sake what do you think Martial means. Don`t even mention the "Self Defence Consultants" talk about a total sales miss-representation.
  11. WOW, I bet there are hundreds of people queing up to convert Kyukushin dan grades into GKR dan grades.
  12. As it stands at the moment I do not believe you are breaking the law, but a lot of guidelines. This seems a pretty standard GKR story. My advice don`t be a GKR puppet. Find a good club and learn Karate for 5-6 years before you even think about starting to teach.
  13. Ms Doyle, you omit one important factor, your son may work very hard and deserve his belts and also might have a very good instructor. The fact is, GKR grades are not held in much regard outside GKR. Put in laymans terms how keen would you be for your son to flog his guts out for an "o" level if it was only valid for one company. If you had joined an organization like the KUGB or JKA any grades would be respected worldwide.
  14. More experience in martial arts. I started training in 1982 approx 2 years before GKR started.
  15. Thank you again for another valuable posting.
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