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Interesting 'security' article on BBC News!


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so swapping your motherboard is classed as 'hacking' nowadays !


BBC British Bull**** Corporation


What a weird thing to say. :huh:


I thought the article was interesting, as swarfendor43 promised, and the use of the word in context quite appropriate.

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What a weird thing to say. :huh:


I thought the article was interesting, as swarfendor43 promised, and the use of the word in context quite appropriate.


It's one of the few examples in the mainstream media of using the original meaning for hacking rather than using the word for what should more correctly be called cracking.

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Thanks for the link. I'm interested in this bit:


That's important, he said, because the address on that component, the MAC address, is logged along with an Internet Protocol (IP) address when a computer goes online. Everything that connects to the net needs an IP address so data can reach the right destination.


If I have a website, and someone loads a page up in their browser, I know I can access their IP address ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); is it also possible to get their MAC address too?


Maybe it's not possible to get the client MAC address?


Also, is it possible for a website to get anything else machine related to form the basis of a hardware fingerprint?

Edited by Waldo
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Thanks for the link. I'm interested in this bit:


That's important, he said, because the address on that component, the MAC address, is logged along with an Internet Protocol (IP) address when a computer goes online. Everything that connects to the net needs an IP address so data can reach the right destination.


If I have a website, and someone loads a page up in their browser, I know I can access their IP address; is it also possible to get their MAC address too?


I noticed that. It could certainly make the 'defence' that "it was my kids that downloaded all that music" a bit flaky.

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