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Metal Thieves In Sheffield - New Tactics

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Heads up to any engineering firms around Sheffield. We have just today been targeted by a bloke who came into the workshop saying they were unloading a delivery and saying their 'magnet' had broken and they needed a piece of steel to unblock it, as I asked further and suggested some wood joists he said 'it needs to be non-ferrous' like brass or aluminum or copper, just not mild steel as it would stick to the magnet. Yes it started to twigg but not as quick as I would like to think I am quick as (getting old) so anyone getting this (white transit) reg can be given though i guess this is by PM only.

Dressed in Hi-vis jacket and rigger boots, dark short hair

also he had a Gypsy accent ! this will poo people off but he did have a gypsy accent!

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Heads up to any engineering firms around Sheffield. We have just today been targeted by a bloke who came into the workshop saying they were unloading a delivery and saying their 'magnet' had broken and they needed a piece of steel to unblock it, as I asked further and suggested some wood joists he said 'it needs to be non-ferrous' like brass or aluminum or copper, just not mild steel as it would stick to the magnet. Yes it started to twigg but not as quick as I would like to think I am quick as (getting old) so anyone getting this (white transit) reg can be given though i guess this is by PM only.

Dressed in Hi-vis jacket and rigger boots, dark short hair

also he had a Gypsy accent ! this will poo people off but he did have a gypsy accent!


crikey, the stunts these people will pull to get scrap!!!, thanks for the heads up though, x

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Heads up to any engineering firms around Sheffield. We have just today been targeted by a bloke who came into the workshop saying they were unloading a delivery and saying their 'magnet' had broken and they needed a piece of steel to unblock it, as I asked further and suggested some wood joists he said 'it needs to be non-ferrous' like brass or aluminum or copper, just not mild steel as it would stick to the magnet. Yes it started to twigg but not as quick as I would like to think I am quick as (getting old) so anyone getting this (white transit) reg can be given though i guess this is by PM only.

Dressed in Hi-vis jacket and rigger boots, dark short hair

also he had a Gypsy accent ! this will poo people off but he did have a gypsy accent!


What time was this?


Sounds like the insidious scrap man driving around Crystal Peaks in a white flat bed yesterday afternoon. I wondered if it was his 'regular area'.

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If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck............ These duckers have been nicking gulley covers near me. Only a matter of time before someone drives over one of these massive holes and writes off their vehicle or someone falls down one!

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These duckers have been nicking gulley covers near me. Only a matter of time before someone drives over one of these massive holes and writes off their vehicle or someone falls down one!


Last summer I was walking at some pace on a road besides The Five Weirs Walk when my foot slipped into an open gulley and I slammed my shin on the top. It really hurt, and I mean REALLY hurt, and I was lucky not to break my leg.


I phoned SCC to report the missing cover and a narrow escape from a liability claim, and it was replaced quite quickly.


It never occurred to me then that the cover had been nicked, but it's all to obvious now you mention it. These thieves that are nicking our infrastructure, literally from under our feet, really are the lowest of the low.



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They nicked the cover off the drain in the woods where I walk the dog, very dangerous as it was surrounded by grass so someone or their pet could easily have fallen in. Was replaced with a concrete cover but a few weeks later this was smashed off, I think they thought there was a metal cover underneath, so it had to be re done again.

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They nicked the cover off the drain in the woods where I walk the dog, very dangerous as it was surrounded by grass so someone or their pet could easily have fallen in. Was replaced with a concrete cover but a few weeks later this was smashed off, I think they thought there was a metal cover underneath, so it had to be re done again.


they are vandals and thieves :rant:

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