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Problem Neighbours

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Know its a completely different situation, but i recently contacted my neighbours by letter. Lets just say their nocturnal activities were very loud. Seems to have helped a little so maybe it could be worth a shot? Hope you get this sorted. Know how bad it can be having neighbours like this


Spoil sport:hihi:

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They have even bought a car to park on there front so no one can park there, it must have cost a good thousand pounds, I suppose they are just set in there ways.

There has been some good advice though from you all, why should we worry when we are not even doing anything wrong.




Looking at it from your neighbour's point of view, assuming that the houses are either terraced or semi-detached, they may not be used to having a young family living next door; it's surprising how much noise can travel.


It's also possible that understandably there's been more activity in your house over the Xmas/New Year holidays, which may have annoyed them. Older people can be very much set in their ways and not like change.


That's looking at the situation possibly from their perspective!


Looking at it from yours- you have (i hope) healthy children and there is no law that should expect you to keep your kids cooped up in the house and not allow them to play.


I really hope you find some common ground and can sort this out.

Keeping my fingers x'd for you.

Edited by rachel2024
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Is it possible either one or both of your neighbours have a problem with dementia, people with this condition can imagine all sorts of things and to there is no reasoning with them. I know this from experience with my late mother, she would make all sorts of accusations and imagine all sorts of things and no amount of trying to reason with her would work. Saying this it does not mean that your neighbours are unable to live independantly. I know this won't make your problems with them go away, but it just might be one of the reasons that they are how they are. Hope you get it sorted soon.

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They have even bought a car to park on there front so no one can park there, it must have cost a good thousand pounds, I suppose they are just set in there ways.

There has been some good advice though from you all, why should we worry when we are not even doing anything wrong.


Now this is a ridiculous suggestion as they will not have revealed this intent to you.You are making quite an assumption about their motives.

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Well I totally disagree Gym rat, we did absolutely nothing to our neighbours, they made our lives a misery from the very 1st day we moved in to our house, slinging insults at us and making life as difficult as possible. I stood it for 2 years and then put the house up for sale. All the other neighbours told us that they hoped we would be the ones to stick it out as they had seen off quite a few previous neighbours with their actions. Some people are just after trouble all the time and this family were just like that, they were quite old as well, age is no excuse.

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I have an elderly neighbour who can be astonishingly abusive, possibly due to early dementia. I am always very nice to her. I say a cheery good morning, lovely day, is everything OK? Then take off before she can say anything nasty. Don't let these people upset you, they are not important to you and it really does not matter what they say - everyone will know to take it with a pinch of salt.

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We had some bad neighbours move in a few years ago when the old man next door died,they were a nightmare screaming and shouting at night music going doors slamming dogs barking horrible smells emanating from the house it is a two bed house and there was nine of them living there ,we own our house and when I complained to the council they did not want to know,it came to a head when our dog set about their dog one night when it came in our yard,an RSPCA man went round to have a word with them and it ended up with the police coming to their house they had at least ten dogs in the house some of them were pup's and were kept under the stairs,the council evicted them in the end, I tried many times to talk to them but they just did not want to listen,they were only there for about 9 months and when the council cleared the house there were six skips full of rubbish,thank heavens we now have a decent family living next door I hate falling out with neighbours.

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Well I totally disagree Gym rat, we did absolutely nothing to our neighbours, they made our lives a misery from the very 1st day we moved in to our house, slinging insults at us and making life as difficult as possible. I stood it for 2 years and then put the house up for sale. All the other neighbours told us that they hoped we would be the ones to stick it out as they had seen off quite a few previous neighbours with their actions. Some people are just after trouble all the time and this family were just like that, they were quite old as well, age is no excuse.



sorry, yes, I didn`t mean both parties were equally to blame.

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I meet thousands of people every year, and I`ve never seen a one sided neighbour dispute in all that time.


Chances are the neighbour will be looking into getting CCTV for when the aggressive young couple next door come round having a go at them again.


two sides to every coin, thats all I`m saying.


Not always - I was 'lucky' enough to have a neighbour who had the riot vans called to theirs every other weekend, the smell of weed constantly coming into our house and garden, all night parties, social services knocking on our door about the children, fighting in the street at 2 am, family gatherings at mine ruined as they decided to sit in their garden swearing...that was a one sided dispute!

So was the one my parents had when a young couple moved next door to them, proceeded to get a pet dog, then leave it locked in the house on its own all day every day, so all my parents could hear was it howling. That was hardly two sided.

I have fantastic neighbours now, an elderly couple one side, and a lovely family at the other - its made such a difference to my life.

OP you have my every sympathy. I used to live in a property with a similar neighbour to what you're experiencing. He was also old and once called the police about my husband, saying he had attacked him. Luckily another neighbour was a witness to the event, and pointed out that the old man had actually tried to hit my husband with his walking stick - hubby had to hold his arms up in self defence (at no point did he touch neighbour!) We think the reason for his nastiness was similar to what was mentioned earlier - previous tenants had been old, and whilst we weren't noisy at all, we didn't fit his idea of who should be living there. We found out he'd treated other families in a similar manner.

I would think honestly about your behaviour etc, and see if there's ANYTHING at all they may object to, no matter how minor or petty. If there's nothing, then I'd go down the ignoring route if you can. Police will get fed up of being called if there's no evidence of anything and will caution them.

If you get on well with your landlord, it might be as well to pre warn them about the situation. If you're honest they are more likely to believe you and ignore any possible complaints from these people.

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