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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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anybody out there that use to go to huntsman garden county school in the 1950 in my class the teachers name was miss oram the head teacher mr adams my friends in my class were sheila handisides slitting mill lane, margaret fairest charles street,kath hall charles st. her mum had a wet fish shop.marina kerkoff. steavenson road marina and sheila married 2 brothers i think there name was Lee My name then Irene Aspland i live in spain for 25 yrs.

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Hi Sandy and Rodney,

Here are a few names he might remember from the St Christophers junior football team.


David White

David Markham

Malcolm Seemley

Mick Swift

Jack Lunn

Tony Arno

Derek Tingle

Keith Goddard



Gunter Hibberd


I remember walking from Bellhouse road to Burncross road and back just after the move. I now live at Burncross. I'll send a PM

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi , my father was born in shire green , wincobank ave. around 1900 and went to firth park school does anyone recall the family , willingham ?

I have seen a couple of posts that mention the name , but as a new member I am unable to private chat.

My dad (ron) was a great gardener and I have a number of his medals for gardening, I also have photographs of the metro vickers cricket team of which he was a member as a young man

His father was Grimston (active trade unionist ) and he had a younger brother Arthur and a sister Jessie ( who went to nzealand)

I would love to hear from anyone with a recollection of the family

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  • 1 month later...

sorry new to this but wanted to ask dos any one remember year 1968 hatfield house lane girls susan clayton Christine barton Gillian highfield denise machine rita Hudson gail moody all married and got different names but can any body giveany information all from lower shirgreen would love to here from any


---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 21:06 ----------


Crikey your Drs. was up to date wasn't it for the times. I remember that Doctors. My sisters and my friends used to go to Beck Road Sunday School, just opposite Dr. Marcus'. We once held up a manhole cover in the grounds of the sunday school and let it go before my sister did. She ended up with part of her finger missing. All her fingers on her left hand are the same size. Her middle one being sliced off on the top. Don't know if you remember or Know Mr. and Mrs. Hodge who used to run the sunday School, or Mrs Baker. She Had a daughter called Mary (for real).They used to put on shows which I always had to be in. Do you also know the Aubrey family who used to live onSicey avenue just up from Dr. Marcus. Saw Rose about a year ago. They all seem to have ginger hair. Quite a large family.


did thay call margarite thay all went to azzie 1967


---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 21:27 ----------


I remember most of those teachers although some may have left by the time I was there.

Mrs Maslin and Mrs Smith were in the infants and I think there was a Mrs Wood.

The headmaster was Mr Churchward.

For some reason I can remember the name Sam Leatemia. I think he was a student teacher at that time. He was from Indonesia and I can remember him getting us to sing Row, row , row the boat, gently down the stream.

Funny the things stick in your mind after all these years.

There is a Sam Leatemia living in Sheffield. I wonder if it is the same man.


Didn't we all have to listen to Time and Tune on the radio back in those black and white happy days .


I started my school life in mrs maslins class I remember the play house in the corridor with brass gobletes to play with I also new mr churchward he once washed my mouthout because I sucked the ink out of my pen he was horrid I thought

we used to go to a classroom to here the wireless for music lessons this old man he had a horsealam down in demorarah only thing I remember:


---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 21:34 ----------


Well done jjbarnesfan with Beck Road teachers names-I just about recall Head Mr. Churchward and Mrs. Wood but considering I was only there for a year that's amazing. I had started infant school in Wincobank at the school on Newman Road, which I can still remember with its tiered classrooms and elderly lady teachers with white hair tied back in a bun and wearing long skirts. After the war we moved to Shiregreen and registered at Beck Road. I don't recall any bad experiances from those days and the envionment was clean with plenty of wide open spaces to let your imagination roam freely. Ted Hills


ted hills did you used to live next door to beck rd chapple by any chance cos I used to go to beck rd school

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would that be Brian Kerrigan?


i used to play with cathrin Kerrigan and denise oats do you remember Gillian highfield off butterthwait left hatfield school 1968 same as you also new RITA Hudson and the knowels johnny margeate


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 19:00 ----------


would that be brian kerrigan?


i played with both of them do you remember gillian highfield deborah highfield we used to play jumping rivers down on fields ols went sledging there to rita and me used to be best mates1968

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  • 1 month later...
Hi stewpot my brother worked at shardlows, he worked in the tool room, george o'brien is his name, he would have been there the same time as you. The Hammond name seems to ring a bell was one of them called Ray


Hi terryob

I think my dad was your brother he moved to Reading in the 1960s and he had 6 children... They divorced and all I know was my dad moved back up north. Does this ring a bell with you.


---------- Post added 14-11-2013 at 20:51 ----------


hi yawl

I was born in 1938 on woolley wood road i went to woolley wood school, infant then junior failed my 11 plus moved to shiregreen secondary, where i lived our garden backed on to woolley woods that was my playground my mates used to use our garden to get to the woods,if my dad wasn't in, we would make dens, at the end of the wood was a field with a steep slope in summer we would get sheets of cardboard and slide down the slope. I remember going down to grange lane, asking for a drink of water at hemming's and go paddling in Blackbrook not realising how dangerous it was.I'll try to remember more later.


I've wrote on another status you wrote I'm new to this but not sure how it works I'm looking for family of my dad Michael o'brien I think he was your brother he moved to Reading in the 1960s he had 6 children but when they divorced I heard he moved back north. You could be my uncle.

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Hi terryob

I think my dad was your brother he moved to Reading in the 1960s and he had 6 children... They divorced and all I know was my dad moved back up north. Does this ring a bell with you.


---------- Post added 14-11-2013 at 20:51 ----------



I've wrote on another status you wrote I'm new to this but not sure how it works I'm looking for family of my dad Michael o'brien I think he was your brother he moved to Reading in the 1960s he had 6 children but when they divorced I heard he moved back north. You could be my uncle.

hi blonde yes you are right mick is my brother sadly he passed away some years ago he moved back to sheffield and he got married again, where do you live

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