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Should Iran be bombed?

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Originally posted by fhain29

. Iraq was a blunder


i think millions of iraqi's would disagree,fair enough some would agree but only saddam supporters...can you imagine what a country full of islamic fanatics would do with a nuclear bomb:| :| :|

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We can all agree on a few things.....


nobody wants to see 'nuclear proliferation' in any country, so while I agree that Iran's nuclear programme ought to be stopped, I think another possible ten years of carnage and bloodshed isnt the way to go about it.


Bear this in mind also, imagine the scenario a year from now, or two years, or five...


American has 'waged war' on 'terror' and nobody is left with a nuclear arsenal except america, russia, us, and China.....


does anyone really believe that the 'special relationship' will stop America from saying " Britain's nuclear programme must be stopped' and the bombs start dropping on us.....


It will happen if we allow George Bush to continue being judge, jury and executioner. He is a cretin, and he can kill us all.



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This is a tough one really. The Western Governments have been working their way around the eastern crescent with ever more difficult interventions.

Former Yougoslavia... Not too difficult, there was a "Civil War to sort out, and they have great beaches" :cool:


Turkey... "A bit too westernised, so let's bribe them into the EU to secure that pipeline" :thumbsup:


Iraq... "Mad dictator hated by his own people. That might even get us brownie points with the locals". Whoops :blush:


Iran... "Condeleeza... help, well they don't fit any of the above. Errr, shall we use the nuclear weapons, I mean power, as the excuse?"


Kirky is right, the nuclear thing is a biggie. Iran simply CAN'T be trusted with that capability. The western nations have been through the nuclear mill sufficiently to know how to respect nuclear power and weapons. Iran's leaders (at least to us) are very bonkers and very dangerous, with support from their nationals, and IMO that's why bombing them might not be such a great idea either.


I'm nowhere close to even half knowing what an answer might be but I do think that either way, this has the capability to end in real tears... and it could be both 'sides' crying.

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