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Coppen Estates. . . .Sheffield

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Currently waiting for their solicitors to get on the case


First asked for a price in nov2011 and got the price in mid sep 2012. They requested a non refundable deposit which left my account 6 weeks ago but still waiting.


Im hoping it will all be done by Christmas.

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Currently waiting for their solicitors to get on the case


First asked for a price in nov2011 and got the price in mid sep 2012. They requested a non refundable deposit which left my account 6 weeks ago but still waiting.


Im hoping it will all be done by Christmas.

Did you serve a Notice of Claim?

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Did you serve a Notice of Claim?


Yes. We did. But even that didn't stir them into life. The period passed with it ignored and my solicitor went for a final push before the next legal step as he was surprised they had not responded. This eventually lead to receiving a price.

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  • 3 months later...

COPPEN ESTATES ARE THE WORST COMPANY I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH!! My house has been up for sale for 5 years and finally i found a buyer - until we need info from Coppen Estates, after waiting and chasing them for 4 months the buyer got sick of it and pulled out and i lost the sale due to their incompetence!!


I have found another buyer and we were due to complete this week but yet again we are waiting on Coppen Estates with the last bit of information we require! Its an absolute joke!! We have had to send the paperwork to them 3 times now and still no reply, when we finally get through to them they have no idea!! If anyone can give point me in the right direction of some legal advice against them it would be very much appreciated!!


Im at my wits end!! All i want to do is get rid of my house and these jokers are making it impossible!!!


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 11:51 ----------


Although you might consider Coppen "a pain", the Company is reputable/honest/local- a novelty when one considers certain freehold reversion investors (London-based). The worst that one might say of Coppen is that it takes a while to reply to correspondence, but at least it's trustworthy and so are the family who run it (Shaun Pennington). No, I don't act for them!


I beg to differ!!

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My house has been up for sale for 5 years and finally i found a buyer - until we need info from Coppen Estates, after waiting and chasing them for 4 months the buyer got sick of it and pulled out and i lost the sale due to their incompetence!!


I have found another buyer and we were due to complete this week but yet again we are waiting on Coppen Estates with the last bit of information we require! Its an absolute joke!! We have had to send the paperwork to them 3 times now and still no reply, when we finally get through to them they have no idea!! If anyone can give point me in the right direction of some legal advice against them it would be very much appreciated!

You do not explain what 'paperwork' you mean. Unless you do, no-one can tell if your grumble is well-founded; so tell us more.

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OK. My first buyer required a quote from Coppen Estates. They simply wanted to know how much it would be to buy the lease or extend it. 6 months later after several calls, letters and letters of complaint im still waiting!


So of course my grumble is well founded! I lost a sale on my house because of them! If it takes over 6 months to produce a piece of paper stating information which they should have to hand then appologise for the rant!


I am now waiting for Coppen to simply complete a form from the solicitors advising how much the ground rent is and that it it all upto date before the sale can proceed. Again still waiting on this which was sent before Christmas! And again in January!!


Am i wrong to be upset by this?

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I am now waiting for Coppen to simply complete a form from the solicitors advising how much the ground rent is and that it it all upto date before the sale can proceed. Again still waiting on this which was sent before Christmas! And again in January!!


Am i wrong to be upset by this?


Isn't the ground rent the same each year, and you already have proof that it's up-to-date?

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It's strange because I have a friend who owns a bungalow at Westfield and properties around there appear to be sold without problems.


In an earlier post I said that cost of extending the lease was £250, well that needs amending as I've found that was just the solicitors fees, the actual cost was much more than that.

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OK. My first buyer required a quote from Coppen Estates. They simply wanted to know how much it would be to buy the lease or extend it. 6 months later after several calls, letters and letters of complaint im still waiting!


So of course my grumble is well founded! I lost a sale on my house because of them! If it takes over 6 months to produce a piece of paper stating information which they should have to hand then appologise for the rant!


I am now waiting for Coppen to simply complete a form from the solicitors advising how much the ground rent is and that it it all upto date before the sale can proceed. Again still waiting on this which was sent before Christmas! And again in January!!


Am i wrong to be upset by this?

Yes. you see, Coppen has no obligation to reply to how much it would be to buy the lease or extend it.

Plus: you meant "...to buy the freehold reversion or extend the lease"; you do already own the lease!


What your solicitors should have done is to serve Notice of Claim, forcing the freehold reversioner to respond.

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