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Coppen Estates. . . .Sheffield

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Thanks for the replies so far, I will pass the information on.

I think the problem is with Coppen Estates and the fact that they won't respond to any correspondence. Hence, trying to find out if any Solicitors out there have any luck with this Company!!

Thanks again.

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Although you might consider Coppen "a pain", the Company is reputable/honest/local- a novelty when one considers certain freehold reversion investors (London-based). The worst that one might say of Coppen is that it takes a while to reply to correspondence, but at least it's trustworthy and so are the family who run it (Shaun Pennington). No, I don't act for them!

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I'm pleased to see your endorsement of the company Mr Shaw because I too have had satisfactory dealings with the company. Whilst I agree with the comments about correspondence in this instance they were very helpful and supportive. Although they do not see people at their offices (they have no reception), they did not turn me away when I called some time ago.

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