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Anyone else irritated by the post office's special offer for Christmas?

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I think the part which concerns me more is how much this subsidy is costing Royal Mail.


We're forever being told that they're in trouble, its in danger of being privatised, yet they can blow all this money subsidising stamps and printing leaflets telling the nation so.


Why not just do a press release and put posters in Post Offices, and information on the website?


As far as I'm aware The Royal Mail has been profit making for a number of years.

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Oh dear! Didn't mean to upset you with my assumptions! :|


Charity begins at home! I believe is the phrase. I have to be careful with money all the time! Don't you?


Fotunately I am comfortable financially at the moment but can remember times of being pennyless and struggling to get by.

I think this is a good idea by the post office because the people on benefits who bother to spend it on stamps may not be the type who spend every penny on fags and booze, there are some decent people on benifits through no fault of their own.


One thing that has sprung to mind is that it is open to abuse where people get stamps for friends or relatives at the discount rate.


By the way your assumptions don't upset me they make me laugh at you and anyone like you who jump to conclusions bout people they know nothing about.

Edited by slimjim03
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I assume you won't be able to tell if full price was paid or not! They'll be the same stamps.


Nits? :huh:


I assume you're on benefits?


I think what pete was saying is that there are some people who work who get little more than they would on benefits...


Sorry truman but I can't see any of that in the post I answered.

Just assumptions about people because they have a different point of view on the subject.

Edited by slimjim03
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As far as I'm aware The Royal Mail has been profit making for a number of years.




The group made a £171m profit in the six months to the end of September, compared with a £55m loss in the same period of 2010, helped by inflation-busting stamp price rises, property sell-offs and fierce cost cutting.


Seems a kick in the teeth for all the staff made redundant and post offices closed to now offer cheap stamps.

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What makes you think that? I havn't noticed anyone saying that? :huh:


:hihi::hihi: straight over your head that one.


I assumed you was a bit sharper than that.:hihi::hihi:.


I did I not laugh?.....I think the reason being, is that it wasn't remotely funny, or ironic! :suspect:


Yeh we can see that what with you scratching your napper.:hihi::hihi:.

Or is it nits?

Edited by slimjim03
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