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The word Gay in our schools

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No, they are just living in the past same as you seem to be.

It is not shocking for anyone any more, get on with your life and stop worrying.:)


im surprised how christianity is evolving so slowly but it does explain the demise of it. most people arent happy with blind faith anymore and being told what is right and wrong, i cant recall the commandment that says discriminate against minority groups.

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No, they are just living in the past same as you seem to be.

It is not shocking for anyone any more, get on with your life and stop worrying.:)


I was going to compose a reply but I have decided you aren't worth the effort.

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It's not OK and its not good.


Because Gays are a minority that it is still mostly acceptable, and in many circles cool to make fun of, Gay became a universal insult in the 90's, especially among schoolkids.


'That's so Gay' took off afterwards


But it is insulting, because it is build on insult and grown from it, and when kids (and by kids I mean Teenagers) say 'that's so gay' it they KNOW it isn't OK, how do I know? Because they have apologized to me for doing it, straight after saying it.


Kids still use the gay as an insult, and teenagers use Gay as an insult.


When I was at school Gay and every synonym (queer , homo, bum boy, batty, etc... etc...) were all insults, and they still are.


Although the little girl in the OP didn't know what it meant, her parents should have chastised her for making fun of other kids for what music they like, and told her that when gay you say to mean rubbish it is a bad word that can hurt peoples feelings, and she shouldn't do it, and then punish her if she does it again. There was no need for any birds and the bees explanation of what gay means, (although I had an idea of what gay meant, mostly from TV and school, and it wasn't far off, and I was pretty naive compared to my peers.)



Those of you think who that it doesn't have negative connotations only prove your own ignorance.

Edited by danmas86
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when kids (and by kids I mean Teenagers) say 'that's so gay' it they KNOW it isn't OK, how do I know? Because they have apologized to me for doing it, straight after saying it.




It happens to me regularly, and its kids and adults who do it.

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when kids (and by kids I mean Teenagers) say 'that's so gay' it they KNOW it isn't OK, how do I know? Because they have apologized to me for doing it, straight after saying it.





This happens to me regularly


from Kids and Adults

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The problem is almost certainly that she didn't mean it to be ofensive to someone "of that persuasion."


The problem is that people use it to mean "rubbish" and as a generic insult. The only reason people do that is because they consider that accusing someone of homosexuality, is in fact insulting them.


It's that attitude which is offensive and needs to be exterminated. Accusing someone, or something, of "being gay" makes as much sense as accusing them of being tall. It isn't an insult; what causes offence is that so many people think it is, and use it as one.


We agree :)


Why not replace 'gay' with something that is really rubbish...


that everyone hates...


Thats sooo ??? (write your suggestion on a postcard and send it to Wanda Sykes)

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Oh & don't go into some sort of homophobic rant, for the record my eldest grandsons godfather is gay, and he gets married next year & is welcome in my home any time, day or night. Oh & when he comes we do embrace as he's a nice lad.
Sounding a bit gay that innit Bpb :hihi:
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