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What ever happened to home made go carts?

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Eee I remember having one as a kid in 60's as Zakes says when you put your feet on front, you really had to dig in to turn the thing. They were massive fun, never built one for me son as they had PS1's and such.


What I did make him though & he loved it, was a scotch arrow do you lot remember those :cool:


Are they the ones you used to throw by wrapping a bit of string 'round? and used playing cards for flights?

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Are they the ones you used to throw by wrapping a bit of string 'round? and used playing cards for flights?

They were the best fun ever, we used to go to the field at the back of the museum in meersbrook park each of us would have six and would place a target right at the bottom near the path with practice you could be quite accurate with them.Going back to the trolleys we used the nuts and bolts from railway line fish-plates my dad worked on the railway so we had a plentiful supply.

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That's the ones Truman :):)

Just remembered nicking my dads old dart flights, bird feathers were the best when you could find them.Mother used to say "you'll have somebodies eye out with them things" never noticed loads of kids with only one eye in the park though.

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My big brother Alf made them for us we lived on Blake Street so they had great brakes our plimsoles

Going down one of sheffields steepest streets (please dont restart that one) on a trolley is the sort of mad thing we used to get up to,ever ridden your bike down the slide in the park.Can you see todays computer gaming kids doing that or play street football and cricket.

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You just don't see things like that anymore. Its 30 years since I made a trolley as a kid. I remember all the one-up-man-ship between the lads on the street, trying to out do each other with our designs & extras. One lad put headlights on & a couple of brothers made a roof for theirs. Plenty of grazed knees & knuckles, in fact, if we weren't bleeding we hadn't had a good race! HAPPY DAYS :hihi:

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