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Petrol stations with fuel

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I've not panicked yet! Should I be worried about this? I'd hate to be the only person in the country without a full tank :rolleyes:


It is a worry for those who rely on fuel for their business and livelihood, or those who live in isolated places, but are we not supposed to have a week's notice of a strike anyway?


Me neither, I still had half a tank of diesel left which would give me 300 miles or so, I fill up every couple of weeks due to the mileage I do.


Anyway, I was speaking to a tanker driver yesterday who said they're not even holding talks until after Easter and then if they do strike it's 7 days notice.

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It is a worry for those who rely on fuel for their business and livelihood, or those who live in isolated places, but are we not supposed to have a week's notice of a strike anyway?


Yes we are, and no strike has been announced. In fact the driver's union and the employers are off to ACAS for negotiations on a whole range of issues about the job. This whole thing was the product of incompetent (or politically devious) government ministers, and members of the public acting like nervous sheep.

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correct me if i'm wrong but is'nt this the last week of the financial year and the goverment have just boosted there coffers by £32 million...mmm coincidence ????


The government's daily spend is about £2,000 million, so £32 million is peanuts in comparison. So, yes, it is a coincidence.

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hey! it is the goverments fault by scare mongering, they gave out a stupid distinct message top up your cars now and store petrol, who's fault was it! THE LOCAL GREEN GROCER!!! and by the way this goverment will always hammer the working man/women.




Please don't tell me you believe everything the government tell you? :help:

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Meadowhead station is shop only because it is saving it's fuel for network taxi my sister went in for some milk yesterday and the network taxi was all Linded up filling up and that was after my sister was told they was no fuel

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Went into the murco station this morning @ Bradway.


Looking on the price board it said diesel was 000.0p, so I presumed that they were out of fuel.


Since I fancied a drink I called in anyway, and they had fuel.




What was even better was the fact that they must have forgotten to reset the prices since the delivery arrived. So I filled up for free. The attendant wasn't very happy about it, but I pointed out that by law he was advertising the fuel at 000.0p so that was the price he had to sell it at..

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